
Aziz Aziz (@nbtech)

PAPR vs Input Back-off in LTE

New thread started 3 years ago
Hello -OFDM based LTE signals show a very high PAPR of around 12dB. This would require an IBO (input back off) for the High Power Amplifier (HPA) of atleast 12dB...

Re: Tilt correction in modulators

Reply posted 4 years ago (08/17/2020)
Hi Neil,the tilt correction provided is for non-flat frequency response of the RF transmit chain.regards

Re: Tilt correction in modulators

Reply posted 4 years ago (08/14/2020)
Thank you for your reply and for the excellent document.

Re: Tilt correction in modulators

Reply posted 4 years ago (08/14/2020)
Thank you very much, very helpful as always !

Tilt correction in modulators

New thread started 4 years ago
Hi all,Whats the difference between a "carrier doppler shift" and "signal doppler shift" in satellite communications?These parameters are listed on specs of a satellite...
Hello all,In the tutorial on PLL at the following link, on page 5, in the first line below equation (2), the author states that "If phase difference is 0 degrees...

Re: Modulator output power level

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/05/2018)
Thank you Shahram

Re: Modulator output power level

Reply posted 6 years ago (12/04/2018)
Thank you Nishit for the excellent response. I was looking for this analysis.Could you please refer any documentation that would help understand item 1 and 2 in...

Modulator output power level

New thread started 6 years ago
Hello all,For a given frequency band e.g. L-band, how is the modulator output power level selected? What decides that the output power level shall be e.g. -40dBm...

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