Vincent van Beveren (@plinnie)
Hi Fred,Thanks for your explanation, this was what I was looking for! I still need to digest it all, but I'm beginning to understand it. Also thanks for the matlab...
Hi Kaz,Okay, well, maybe you're right. I would not expect a sinc filter to be implemented as a FIR filter in hardware, but for this chip it is probably the right...
Hi Jk,Thanks for your feedback. No, that was not really what I was looking for. I think the provided coefficients are more for simulation. I actually expect the...
The LTC2500-32 ADC has a so-called spread-sinc (ssinc) filter (datasheet). When googling the only references which turn up are from Linear it self. As far as I can...
Okay, I think I misunderstood the 'inserting of samples'. I thought you meant 'inserting of additional clocks'. I am not inserting samples. I have a fixed sample...
Thanks for your reply. Please also see my reply to Slartibartfast. The question stated in the beginning was just an example. In reality the band of interest is much...
Can't really go into detail here. Signals will be sampled and used in correlation analysis. In reality visible the distortions will not be very high, because:A)...
Thanks for all your replies guys! All in all this is going to take me a bit of time to work out. I'm going to study the pointers you all gave, and if I have questions,...
I have painted a simplistic view of the system in question for the sake of clarity. Fractional re-sampling will not be possible in our case, as the smallest common...
Hi kaz,Well, yes I am distorting the signal, but I'm not introducing random jitter. Note that this is a sampling system, so the actual input signal is unknown. I'm...
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