
Pier-Yves Lessard (@pylessard)

Electrical engineer making control algorithm for power converters and motor controller.

Re: Filter approach for helicopter application

Reply posted 4 years ago (05/29/2021)
Hi coinmls.You will absolutely need to process all samples to filter out the frequencies that you want to remove. You can't remove a signal of 4Hz with a sample...

Re: Filter approach for helicopter application

Reply posted 4 years ago (05/27/2021)
"My software receives and logs all packets but my algorithm (and to-be-implemented-filter) runs at 2 Hz"Does that mean that your software will buffer the data then...
There's a mode where you control the reference and let a PI regulator try to lock the phase. You can play with Kp and Ki and see how it behaves (no Kp = oscillation,...
Hi Rick,Unfortunately, not yet, but it is indeed missing. What you see is a gray circle (the reference) that rotate at a given speed and a red circle that represent...
A year ago, I've started working on some interactive apps to help visualize some engineering concepts that may be difficult to grasp for a beginner. I thought this...

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