
Tun runinrainy (@runinrainy)

Many thanks for the detailed answer! Really helps. Lets imagine this as a wireless communication system. Basically, transmitting the time signal over the wireless...
Hello,I am trying to understand  intuitively the relationship of the zeros of the z-transform of a discrete time signal and it's frequency domain representation....

Re: #OFDM point to point specification

Reply posted 2 years ago (05/08/2023)
I have been working on waveform design. So I can take a look and provide you a feedback. Let me know how you want to contact.
Hello,I am trying to understand the functionality of header and tail in #OFDM system. I know the question sounds like a general question but I have made some search...
Thank you Tim for your quick reply!!!It is better than yesterday now but still some parts that I am still searching for them. 1- If it is the structured data to...
Hello,In Object-Oriented Programming methodology, construction function is used to assign the data to the object variables. But in the following Matlab code, there...

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