OpenCV for DSP/GPU, MSDN equivalent for CCS, and more
A great business opportunity might await anyone brave enough to attempt a port of the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) library to a DSP platform. OpenCV is the lingua franca of "industrial grade" image processing, and it's my sense that the DSP imaging libraries out there pale in comparison to the breadth of features offered by OpenCV. When writing my book for example, I fielded multiple inquiries about making an OpenCV port a centerpiece of the text. Two problems arise,...Resolving 'Can't initialize target CPU' on TI C6000 DSPs - Part 2
The previous article discussed CCS configuration. The prerequisite for the following discussion is a valid CCS configuration file. All references will be for CCS 3.3, but they may be used or adapted to other versions of CCS. From the previous discussion, we know that the configuration file is located at 'C:\CCStudio_v3.3\cc\bin\brddat\ccBrd0.dat'.
XDS510 Emulators
Initial discussion will address only XDS510 class emulators that support TI drivers and utilities. This will...
Resolving 'Can't initialize target CPU' on TI C6000 DSPs - Part 1
Today I am going to discuss some of the basics that can help prevent errors that frustrate some users. The information is directed toward TI C6000 family DSPs, but much of it also applies to other TI DSPs. In many cases they represent the user's first involvement with using Code Composer Studio [CCS] and a target board. It has been my experience that the primary cause of the "Can't initialize target CPU" error message and similar messages like "Error connecting to...
Embedded TMS320C6000 Information Kick Off
Before I get off on some embedded C6000 rant, I thought that I would try to express some of my background, interests and areas of expertise. Fast forwarding through vacuum tube and transistor computers, punched cards, 14 inch hard disks, delay line memory, RTL ICs, bit slice minicomputers, and an unknown number of microprocessors will almost get me from my past to the present. My computer life began in the hardware world, but the requirement for software [usually a few lines of machine...
Resolving 'Can't initialize target CPU' on TI C6000 DSPs - Part 2
The previous article discussed CCS configuration. The prerequisite for the following discussion is a valid CCS configuration file. All references will be for CCS 3.3, but they may be used or adapted to other versions of CCS. From the previous discussion, we know that the configuration file is located at 'C:\CCStudio_v3.3\cc\bin\brddat\ccBrd0.dat'.
XDS510 Emulators
Initial discussion will address only XDS510 class emulators that support TI drivers and utilities. This will...
Resolving 'Can't initialize target CPU' on TI C6000 DSPs - Part 1
Today I am going to discuss some of the basics that can help prevent errors that frustrate some users. The information is directed toward TI C6000 family DSPs, but much of it also applies to other TI DSPs. In many cases they represent the user's first involvement with using Code Composer Studio [CCS] and a target board. It has been my experience that the primary cause of the "Can't initialize target CPU" error message and similar messages like "Error connecting to...
Embedded TMS320C6000 Information Kick Off
Before I get off on some embedded C6000 rant, I thought that I would try to express some of my background, interests and areas of expertise. Fast forwarding through vacuum tube and transistor computers, punched cards, 14 inch hard disks, delay line memory, RTL ICs, bit slice minicomputers, and an unknown number of microprocessors will almost get me from my past to the present. My computer life began in the hardware world, but the requirement for software [usually a few lines of machine...
OpenCV for DSP/GPU, MSDN equivalent for CCS, and more
A great business opportunity might await anyone brave enough to attempt a port of the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) library to a DSP platform. OpenCV is the lingua franca of "industrial grade" image processing, and it's my sense that the DSP imaging libraries out there pale in comparison to the breadth of features offered by OpenCV. When writing my book for example, I fielded multiple inquiries about making an OpenCV port a centerpiece of the text. Two problems arise,...Resolving 'Can't initialize target CPU' on TI C6000 DSPs - Part 2
The previous article discussed CCS configuration. The prerequisite for the following discussion is a valid CCS configuration file. All references will be for CCS 3.3, but they may be used or adapted to other versions of CCS. From the previous discussion, we know that the configuration file is located at 'C:\CCStudio_v3.3\cc\bin\brddat\ccBrd0.dat'.
XDS510 Emulators
Initial discussion will address only XDS510 class emulators that support TI drivers and utilities. This will...
Resolving 'Can't initialize target CPU' on TI C6000 DSPs - Part 1
Today I am going to discuss some of the basics that can help prevent errors that frustrate some users. The information is directed toward TI C6000 family DSPs, but much of it also applies to other TI DSPs. In many cases they represent the user's first involvement with using Code Composer Studio [CCS] and a target board. It has been my experience that the primary cause of the "Can't initialize target CPU" error message and similar messages like "Error connecting to...
OpenCV for DSP/GPU, MSDN equivalent for CCS, and more
A great business opportunity might await anyone brave enough to attempt a port of the OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) library to a DSP platform. OpenCV is the lingua franca of "industrial grade" image processing, and it's my sense that the DSP imaging libraries out there pale in comparison to the breadth of features offered by OpenCV. When writing my book for example, I fielded multiple inquiries about making an OpenCV port a centerpiece of the text. Two problems arise,...Embedded TMS320C6000 Information Kick Off
Before I get off on some embedded C6000 rant, I thought that I would try to express some of my background, interests and areas of expertise. Fast forwarding through vacuum tube and transistor computers, punched cards, 14 inch hard disks, delay line memory, RTL ICs, bit slice minicomputers, and an unknown number of microprocessors will almost get me from my past to the present. My computer life began in the hardware world, but the requirement for software [usually a few lines of machine...