Body-Model Factoring
In commuted synthesis, it is often helpful to factor out the least-damped resonances in the body model for implementation in parametric form (e.g., as second-order filters, or ``biquads''). The advantages of this are manifold, including the following:
- The excitation table is shortened (now containing only the most damped modal components).
- The excitation table signal-to-quantization-noise ratio is improved.
- The most important resonances remain parametric, facilitating real-time control. In other words, the parametric resonances can be independently modulated to produce interesting effects.
- Multiple body outputs become available from the parametric filters.
- Resonators may be already available in a separate effects unit, making
them ``free.''
- A memory vs. computation trade-off is available for cost optimization.
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Further Reading in Commuted Synthesis
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Further Reading on Digital Filter Design