Stretch Rule
Note that the moment of inertia does not change when masses are moved
along a vector parallel to the axis of rotation (see, e.g.,
Eq.(B.9)). Thus, any rigid body may be ``stretched'' or
``squeezed'' parallel to the rotation axis without changing its moment
of inertia. This is known as the stretch rule, and it can be
used to simplify geometry when finding the moment of inertia.
For example, we saw in §B.4.4 that the moment of inertia
of a point-mass a distance
from the axis of rotation is given
. By the stretch rule, the same applies to an ideal
rod of mass
parallel to and distance
from the axis of
Note that mass can be also be ``stretched'' along the circle of
rotation without changing the moment of inertia for the mass about
that axis. Thus, the point mass can be stretched out to form a
mass ring at radius
about the axis of rotation without
changing its moment of inertia about that axis. Similarly, the ideal
rod of the previous paragraph can be stretched tangentially to form a
cylinder of radius
and mass
, with its axis of symmetry
coincident with the axis of rotation. In all of these examples, the
moment of inertia is
about the axis of rotation.
Next Section:
Area Moment of Inertia
Previous Section:
Parallel Axis Theorem