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Excitation Pattern

Figure 7.5 shows the result of converting the MRSTFT to an excitation pattern [87,182,108]. As mentioned above, this essentially converts the MRSTFT into a better approximation of an auditory filter bank by non-uniformly resampling the frequency axis using auditory interpolation kernels.

Note that the harmonics are now clearly visible only up to approximately 20 ERBs, and only the first four or five harmonics are visible during voiced segments. During voiced segments, the formant structure is especially clearly visible at about 25 ERBs. Also note that ``pitch pulses'' are visible as very thin, alternating, dark and light vertical stripes above 25 ERBs or so; the dark lines occur just after glottal closure, when the voiced-speech period has a strong peak in the time domain.

Figure 7.5: Excitation pattern versus time, computed from the MRSTFT.

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Nonuniform Spectral Resampling
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Multiresolution STFT