Matlab for Finding Interpolated Spectral Peaks
Matlab listing: findpeaks.m
function [peakamps,peaklocs,peakwidths,resid] = ... findpeaks(data,npeaks,minwidth,maxwidth,minpeak,debug); %FINDPEAKS Find up to npeaks interpolated peaks in data. % % [peakamps,peaklocs,peakwidths,resid] = % findpeaks(data,npeaks,minwidth,maxwidth,minpeak,debug); % % finds up to npeaks interpolated peaks in real data. % A peak is rejected if its width is % less than minwidth samples wide(default=1), or % less than minpeak in magnitude (default=min(data)). % Quadratic interpolation is used for peak interpolation. % Left-over data with peaks removed is returned in resid. % Peaks are returned in order of decreasing amplitude. % They can be sorted in order of location as follows: % [peaklocs,sorter] = sort(peaklocs); % amps = zeros(size(peakamps)); % npeaks = length(peaklocs); % for col=1:npeaks, % amps(:,col) = peakamps(:,sorter(col)); % end; % They can be sorted in order of width as follows: % [peakwidths,sorter] = sort(peakwidths); % peakamps = peakamps(sorter); % peaklocs = peaklocs(sorter); len = length(data); if nargin<6, debug = 0; end; if nargin<5, minpeak = min(data); end; if nargin<4, maxwidth = 0; end; if nargin<3, minwidth = 1; end; if nargin<2, npeaks = len; end; peakamps = zeros(1,npeaks); peaklocs = zeros(1,npeaks); peakwidths = zeros(1,npeaks); if debug, peaksarr = 1.1*max(data)*ones(size(data)); end; if debug, orgdata = data; end; if debug, npeaks, end nrej = 0; pdebug=debug; ipeak=0; while ipeak<npeaks [ploc, pamp, pcurv] = maxr(data); if (pamp==minpeak), warning('findpeaks:min amp reached'); break; end plocq = round(ploc); ulim = min(len,plocq+1); camp = pamp; % % Follow peak down to determine its width % drange = max(data) - minpeak; % data dynamic range tol = drange * 0.01; dmin = camp; while ((ulim<len) & (data(ulim)<=dmin+tol)), camp = data(ulim); ulim = ulim + 1; if (camp<dmin), dmin=camp; end end; ulim = ulim - 1; lamp = camp; llim = max(1,plocq-1); camp = pamp; dmin = camp; while ((llim>1) & (data(llim)<=dmin+tol)), camp = data(llim); llim = llim - 1; if (camp<dmin), dmin=camp; end end; llim = llim + 1; uamp = camp; % % Remove the peak % data(llim:ulim) = min(lamp,uamp) * ones(1,ulim-llim+1); % % Reject peaks which are too narrow (indicated by zero loc and amp) % pwid = ulim - llim + 1; if ~(pwid < minwidth), ipeak = ipeak + 1; peaklocs(ipeak) = ploc; peakamps(ipeak) = pamp; peakwidths(ipeak) = - 1/pcurv; nrej = 0; if pdebug>1 peaksarr(plocq) = pamp; maxloc = min(len,2*round(max(peaklocs))); ttl = sprintf(... 'Peak %d = %0.2f at %0.2f, width %d',ipeak,pamp,ploc,pwid); if x == -1 pdebug = 0; end end else nrej = nrej + 1; if (nrej >= 10), warning('*** findpeaks: giving up (10 rejected peaks in a row)'); break; end; end; end; if (ipeak<npeaks), warning(sprintf(... '*** peaks.m: only %d peaks found instead of %d',ipeak,npeaks)); peakamps = peakamps(1:ipeak); peaklocs = peaklocs(1:ipeak); peakwidths = peakwidths(1:ipeak); end; resid = data;
Matlab listing: maxr.m
function [xi,yi,hc] = maxr(a) %MAXR Find interpolated maximizer(s) and max value(s) % for (each column of) a. % % [xi,yi,hc] = maxr(a) % % Calls max() followed by qint() for quadratic interpolation. % [m,n] = size(a); if m==1, a=a'; t=m; m=n; n=t; end; [y,x] = max(a); xi=x; % vector of maximizer locations, one per col of a yi=y; % vector of maximum values, one per column of a if nargout>2, hc = zeros(1,n); end for j=1:n, % loop over columns if x(j)>1, % only support interior maxima if x(j)<m, [xdelta,yij,cj] = qint(a(x(j)-1,j),y(j),a(x(j)+1,j)); xi(j) = x(j) + xdelta; if nargout>2, hc(j) = cj; end if (nargout>1), yi(j) = yij; end end; end; end;
Matlab listing: qint.m
function [p,y,a] = qint(ym1,y0,yp1) %QINT Quadratic interpolation of 3 uniformly spaced samples % % [p,y,a] = qint(ym1,y0,yp1) % % returns extremum-location p, height y, and half-curvature a % of a parabolic fit through three points. % The parabola is given by y(x) = a*(x-p)^2+b, % where y(-1)=ym1, y(0)=y0, y(1)=yp1. p = (yp1 - ym1)/(2*(2*y0 - yp1 - ym1)); if nargout>1 y = y0 - 0.25*(ym1-yp1)*p; end; if nargout>2 a = 0.5*(ym1 - 2*y0 + yp1); end;
Matlab listing: zpfmin.m
function [zpmin] = zpfmin(window,MT,freqBiasMax); % [zpmin] = zpfmin(window,MT,freqBiasMax) % returns the minimum zero-padding factor to achieve prescribed % tolerances in sinusoidal peak parameters measured using the QIFFT % method with the window. % % INPUTS: % window = 'rect', 'hamming', 'hann', or 'blackman' % MT = window length (seconds) % freqBiasMax = max frequency bias allowed in peak frequency (Hz) % ampBiasMax = max peak-magnitude bias allowed (relative fraction) % % If ampBiasMaxPct is not specified, amplitude bias is not considered. % % RETURNED: % zpmin = minimum zero-padding factor (1 means no zero padding) % % EXAMPLE % Assuming the window contains one cycle of a sinusoid whose % frequency f must be estimated to within 0.1% accuracy, we have % zpfmin('blackman',1/f,0.001*f) = 1.9 for min zero-padding factor. % Similarly, % 2 cycles under the Blackman window yields zpf > 1.5 % 4 cycles under the Blackman window yields zpf > 1.2 % 6 cycles under the Blackman window yields zpf > 1.02 % % Reference: % "Design Criteria for Simple Sinusoidal Parameter Estimation % based on Quadratic Interpolation of FFT Magnitude Peaks", by % Mototsugu Abe and Julius O. Smith, % Audio Engineering Society Convention preprint 6256", NY, 2004. %!test %! assert(zpfmin('blackman',1,0.001),2.3609,0.001); % disp(sprintf('%s window',window)); switch window case 'rect' c0 = 0.4467; r0 = -0.3218; c1 = 0.8560; r1 = -0.2366; case 'hamming' c0 = 0.2456; r0 = -0.3282; c1 = 0.4381; r1 = -0.2451; case 'hann' c0 = 0.2436; r0 = -0.3288; c1 = 0.4149; r1 = -0.2456; case 'blackman' c0 = 0.1868; r0 = -0.3307; c1 = 0.3156; r1 = -0.2475; otherwise error(sprintf('Window type %s unknown - say help zpfmin',window)); end zpmin = c0*(MT*freqBiasMax)^r0; if nargin>3 zpminamp = c1*(MT*freqBiasMax)^r1; zpmin = max(zpmin,zpminamp); end if strcmp(window,'rect') zpmin=max(1.7,zpmin); % See Abe & Smith 2004, Fig. 2 re. why this else zpmin=max(1,zpmin); end
Matlab listing: oboeanal.m
The following Matlab script illustrates use of the findpeaks function above to determine the pitch of an oboe tone (given the general location of the correct spectral peak) and configure a spectrum analysis using the rectangular, Hamming, and Blackman windows. This script was used to create Figures 3.16 through 3.18.
diary './dia/oboeanal.dia'; diary on; zpf = 5; % desired min zero-padding factor in all FFTs fn = '../wav/oboe.ff.C4B4.wav'; [x,fs,nbits] = wavread(fn); nx = length(x); dur = nx/fs; disp(sprintf(['Read %s, fs = %f, nbits = %d, ',... 'length = %d samples = %0.1f sec'],... fn,fs,nbits,nx,dur)); soundsc(x,fs); M = fs/10; % 100 ms window for pitch estimation N = 2^nextpow2(M*zpf) % zero pad Xzp = fft(x,N); figure(K-1); fmax = 500; % maximum freq in Hz kmax = fmax*N/fs; % maximum freq in bins prange = 1:kmax+1; Xdb = dbn(Xzp(prange)); % dB normalized to 0 max f = fs*[0:N-1]/N/1000; % frequency axis in kHz plot(f(prange),Xdb); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); xlabel('Normalized Frequency (cycles/sample)'); [amps,bins] = findpeaks(Xdb,1); k0 = bins(1)-1; f0 = k0*fs/N; nP = fs/f0; % samples per period (used below) disp(sprintf('Estimated pitch = %f Hz',f0)); % Test pitch estimate: pause(ceil(dur)); % let previous sound finish T = 1/fs; t = 0:T:dur; y = sawtooth(2*pi*f0*t); sound(y,fs) winnames={'none','boxcar','none','hamming','none','blackman'}; % Configure window analysis for K=[2 4 6] wintype = winnames{K}; M = ceil(K*nP); % min Blackman length cmd = sprintf('w = %s(M);',wintype); eval(cmd); Nw = 2^nextpow2(M*zpf) % zero pad xw = x(1:M) .* w; Xwzp = fft(xw,Nw); %fmax = 5*f0; % maximum freq in Hz fmax = fs/4; kmax = fmax*Nw/fs; % maximum freq in bins prange = 1:kmax+1; Xwdb = dbn(Xwzp(prange)); % dB normalized to 0 max figure(K); subplot(2,1,1); plot(xw,'-k'); axis tight; title(sprintf('Oboe data - %s window, K=%d',wintype,K)); ylabel('Amplitude'); xlabel('Time (samples)'); subplot(2,1,2); f = fs*[0:Nw-1]/Nw/1000; % frequency axis in kHz plot(f(prange),Xwdb,'-k'); grid on; axis([f(prange(1)) f(prange(end)) -90 0]); ylabel('Magnitude (dB)'); xlabel('Frequency (kHz)'); plotfile = sprintf('../eps/oboe%s.eps',wintype); saveplot(plotfile); end diary off;
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Matlab for Computing Spectrograms
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Matlab for Spectrum Analysis Windows