Matlab Support for Least-Squares FIR Filter Design
Some of the available functions are as follows:
- firls - least-squares linear-phase FIR filter design
for piecewise constant desired amplitude responses -- also designs
Hilbert transformers and differentiators
- fircls - constrained least-squares linear-phase FIR
filter design for piecewise constant desired amplitude responses --
constraints provide lower and upper bounds on the frequency response
- fircls1 - constrained least-squares linear-phase FIR
filter design for lowpass and highpass filters -- supports relative
weighting of pass-band and stop-band error
For more information, type help firls and/or doc firls, etc., and refer to the ``See Also'' section of the documentation for pointers to more relevant functions.
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Problem Formulation
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Geometric Interpretation of Least Squares