Free DSP Books on the Internet - Part Deux
Since Stephane Boucher posted my "Free DSP Books on the Internet" blog here in February 2008, I have learned of additional books on the Internet that are related to signal processing. I list those books below. Again, the listed books are copyrighted. The books' copyright holders have graciously provided their books free of charge for downloading for individual use, but multiple copies must not be made or printed. As such, be aware that using any of these books as promotional material is prohibited, and the books must not be mirrored on the Internet or redistributed in any way without permission from the authors.
Here are the books:
Signal Processing for Communications (Prandoni and Vetterli) (Click on "online version".)
[Very readable (friendly) 'theory of DSP' material presented from the viewpoint of communications systems. Chapter 12, on modem design, is terrific!]
First Steps With Embedded Systems (Byte Craft Limited)
[Intermediate-level overview of programming microcontrollers using the C language.]
Wavelets and Subband Coding (Vetterli and Kovacevic)
[Unified view of wavelets and subband coding from a signal processing perspective.]
Understanding Basic Music Theory (Catherine Schmidt-Jones)
[Included here because so many signal processing practitioners are interested in music theory.]
Collaborative Statistics (Illowsky and Dean)
[A textbook used for introductory statistics courses.]
Digital Audio Restoration - A Statistical Model Based Approach (Godsill and Rayner)
[Discusses signal processing used to restore the quality of historical audio recordings.]
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