
FFT at arbitrary frequencies (non-uniform FFT)

Jesus Selva April 4, 20113 comments Coded in Matlab

From time to time we need to evaluate the DFT at non-uniform frequencies in some numerical method. Besides, it is also useful to obtain the derivatives. The function nufft.m that follows is a simple implementation of such non-uniform FFT (NUFFT). It computes the DFT and its derivatives of any order without evaluating the DFT sum. It is much faster than direct evaluation.

The interpolation method is explained in

J. Selva, 'Efficient maximum likelihood estimation of  a 2-D complex  sinusoidal based on barycentric interpolation', IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2011, pp. 4212-4215.

J. Selva, 'Design of barycentric interpolator for uniform and nonuniform sampling grids', IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 58, n. 3, pp. 1618-1627, March 2010.


Following you find the code of a demo script (Demo.m) and that of a function (nufft.m). Just place them in separate m files (Demo.m and nufft.m) and execute the first. 

Code of file Demo.m

echo on 

%Author: J. Selva. 
%Date: April 2011.

%Define a random vector with 1024 elements. 

M = 1024;
a = rand(M,1)+1i*rand(M,1);

%Call the nufft function. The output is a struct with some variable for later use.

st = nufft(a)

%The field st.aF is the fft of size st.K.

%Define a vector of random frequencies.

f = rand([2*M,1])-0.5;

%Compute the DFT at frequencies in f and the derivatives of first and second order using
%loops and direct evaluation. This takes a while

tic; outDL = nufft(st,f,2,'directLoop'); tDL = toc;

%The function returns the DFT values in the first column, the first derivatives in the
%second column, and so on.


%Do the same computation using interpolation. This is fast.
tic; outIL = nufft(st,f,2); tIL = toc;

%Compare the execution times


%The executions are faster if the code is vectorized. This is an example
tic; outDV = nufft(st,f,2,'directVec'); tDV = toc;
tic; outIV = nufft(st,f,2,'baryVec'); tIV = toc;

[tDV, tIV]

%For larger data sizes the difference is more significant. To  check this, let us repeat
%the same experiment with M=1024*5.

M = 1024*5;
a = rand(M,1)+1i*rand(M,1);
st = nufft(a);

f = rand([2*M,1])-0.5;

tic; outDV = nufft(st,f,2,'directVec'); tDV = toc; %This line takes a while.
tic; outIV = nufft(st,f,2); tIV = toc;

%These are the timings:


%Finally, let  us check the accuracy of the interpolated values


echo off


Code of file nufft.m. 


function varargout = nufft(varargin)

%Author: J. Selva
%Date: April 2011.
%nufft computes the FFT at arbitrary frequencies using barycentric interpolation.
%For the interpolation method, see
%J. Selva, 'Design of barycentric interpolator for uniform and nonuniform sampling
%  grids', IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, vol. 58, n. 3, pp. 1618-1627, March 2010.
% -First call nufft with the vector of samples as argument,
%       st = nufft(a); %a is the vector of samples.
%    The output is an struct. The field st.aF is the DFT of vector a, sampled with spacing
%    1/st.K. 
%    The DFT is defined using
%        A_k = \sum_{n=m_1}^{m_1+M-1} a_n e^{-j 2 \pi n f}
%    where m_1=-ceil(M/2) and M the number of samples. 
% -Then call nufft with sintax 
%        out = nufft(st,f,nd,method)
%   where
%     f: Vector of frequencies where the DFT is evaluated. Its elements must follow
%        abs(f(k))<=0.5
%     nd: Derivative order. nufft computes derivatives up to order nd. At the output 
%         out(p,q) is the (q-1)-order derivative of the DFT at frequency f(p). The first
%         column of out contains the zero-order derivatives, i.e, the values of the DFT at
%         frequencies in vector f. 
%     method: If omitted, it is 'baryVec'. Four methods have been implemented:
%         +'baryLoop': The output is interpolated using the barycentric method and a loop
%           implementation.
%         +'baryVec': The output is interpolated using the barycentric method and a
%          vectorized implementation.
%         +'directLoop': The output is computed using the DFT sum directly and a loop
%           implementation.
%         +'directVec': The output is computed using the DFT sum directly and a vectorized
%           implementation.

if ~isstruct(varargin{1})
  st = [];
  st.a = varargin{1};
  st.a = st.a(:);
  st.M = length(st.a);
  st.m1 = -ceil(st.M/2);
  st.K =  2^ceil(log2(st.M)+1);
  st.aF = fft([st.a(-st.m1+1:st.M); zeros(st.K-st.M,1); st.a(1:-st.m1)]);
  errb = 10.^-13; %This is the interpolation accuracy. You can set any larger value, and ...
      %this would reduce st.P. The number of interpolation samples is 2*st.P+1.
  st.T = 1/st.K;
  st.B = -2*st.m1;
  st.P = ceil(acsch(errb)/(pi*(1-st.B*st.T)));
  st.vt = MidElementToEnd((-st.P:st.P)*st.T);
  st.alpha =  MidElementToEnd(baryWeights(st.T,st.B,st.P));
  varargout = {st};

[st,f] = deal(varargin{1:2});
nd = 0;
if nargin > 2
  nd = varargin{3};
method = 'baryVec';
if nargin > 3
  method = varargin{4};
Nf = length(f);
out = zeros(Nf,nd+1);

switch method
  case 'baryLoop' %Interpolated method using loops

    for k = 1:length(f)

      x = f(k);
      n = floor(x/st.T+0.5);
      u = x - n * st.T;

      da = MidElementToEnd(st.aF(1+mod(n-st.P:n+st.P,st.K)).');

      out(k,:) = DerBarycentricInterp3(st.alpha,da,st.vt,u,nd);


  case 'baryVec' %Vectorized interpolated method
    f = f(:);
    Nf = length(f);
    n = floor(f/st.T+0.5);
    u = f - n * st.T;
    pr = [-st.P:-1 , 1:st.P , 0];
    ms = st.aF(1+mod(n(:,ones(1,2*st.P+1)) + pr(ones(Nf,1),:),st.K));
    if length(f) == 1
      ms = ms.';
    out = DerBarycentricInterp3Vec(st.alpha,ms,st.vt,u,nd);
  case 'directLoop' % Direct method using loops
    for k = 1:length(f)
      out(k,1) = 0;
      for r = st.m1:st.m1+st.M-1
	out(k,1) = out(k,1)+exp(-1i*2*pi*r*f(k))*st.a(r-st.m1+1);
      for kd = 1:nd
	out(k,kd+1) = 0;
	for r = st.m1:st.m1+st.M-1
	  out(k,kd+1) = out(k,kd+1) + ...
	      ((-1i*2*pi*r).^kd .* exp(-1i*2*pi*r*f(k)))*st.a(r-st.m1+1);
  case 'directVec' %Vectorized direct method
    for k = 1:length(f)
      out(k,1) = exp(-1i*2*pi*(st.m1:st.m1+st.M-1)*f(k))*st.a;
      for kd = 1:nd
	out(k,kd+1) = ...
	    ((-1i*2*pi*(st.m1:st.m1+st.M-1)).^kd .* ...
varargout = {out};

function v = MidElementToEnd(v)

ind = ceil(length(v)/2);
v = [v(1:ind-1),v(ind+1:end),v(ind)];

function v = APPulse(t,B,TSL)

v = real(sinc(B*sqrt(t.^2-TSL^2)))/real(sinc(1i*pi*B*TSL));

function w = baryWeights(T,B,P)

vt = (-P:P)*T;
g = APPulse(vt,1/T-B,T*(P+1));
gam = gamma(vt/T+P+1) .* gamma(-vt/T+P+1) .* g;

N = length(vt);
LD = ones(1,N);

for k = 1:N
  LD(k) = prod(vt(k)-vt(1:k-1))* prod(vt(k)-vt(k+1:N));

w = gam ./ LD;
w = w / max(abs(w));

function out = DerBarycentricInterp3(alpha,s,t,tau,nd)

vD = 0;
Nt = length(t);
LF = [1,zeros(1,Nt-1)];
out = zeros(1,nd+1);

for k = 1:Nt-1
  vD = vD*(tau-t(k))+alpha(k)*LF(k);
  LF(k+1) = LF(k)*(tau-t(k));

vD = vD * (tau-t(Nt)) + alpha(Nt) * LF(Nt);

z = s;

for kd = 0:nd

  z1 = z-z(end); cN = 0;

  for k = 1:Nt-1
    cN = cN * (tau-t(k))+z1(k)*alpha(k)*LF(k);
  cN = cN/vD;
  ztau = z(end)+(tau-t(end))*cN;
  out(kd+1) = ztau;
  if kd < nd
    z = [ (z(1:end-1)-ztau)./(t(1:end-1)-tau) , cN ] * (kd+1);

function out = DerBarycentricInterp3Vec(alpha,zL,t,tauL,nd)

NtauL = size(tauL,1);
LBtau = 200; %Block size for vectorized processing. Change this to adjust the memory 

NBlock = 1+floor(NtauL/LBtau);

Nt = length(t);

out = zeros(NtauL,nd+1);

for r = 0:NBlock-1
  ind1 = 1+r*LBtau;
  ind2 = min([(r+1)*LBtau,NtauL]);
  Ntau = ind2-ind1+1;
  z = zL(ind1:ind2,:);
  tau = tauL(ind1:ind2);
  vD = zeros(Ntau,1);
  LF = [1,zeros(1,Nt-1)];
  LF = LF(ones(Ntau,1),:);

  for k = 1:Nt-1
    vD = vD .* (tau-t(k))+alpha(k)*LF(:,k);
    LF(:,k+1) = LF(:,k) .* (tau-t(k));

  vD = vD .* (tau-t(Nt)) + alpha(Nt) * LF(:,Nt);

  for kd = 0:nd

    pr = z(:,end); z1 = z-pr(:,ones(1,Nt)); cN = zeros(Ntau,1);

    for k = 1:Nt-1
      cN = cN .* (tau-t(k)) + z1(:,k) .* alpha(k) .* LF(:,k);
    cN = cN ./ vD;
    ztau = z(:,end)+(tau-t(end)) .* cN;
    out(ind1:ind2,kd+1) = ztau;
    if kd < nd
      pr1 = ztau;
      pr1 = z(:,1:end-1) - pr1(:,ones(1,Nt-1));
      pr2 = t(1:end-1);
      pr2 = pr2(ones(Ntau,1),:)-tau(:,ones(1,Nt-1));
      z = [pr1 ./ pr2, cN] * (kd+1);