
Beat Notes

Rick Lyons March 13, 2013 Coded in Matlab

The following Matlab code enables you to generate, and listen to, the sum of two audio tones.  Read this blog post for more details

%     Filename:  Beat_Frequency.m
%     [Richard Lyons, Feb. 2013]
clear, clc
Fs = 8192; % Sample rate of dig. samples
N = 8192;  % Number of time samples
n = 0:N-1;
Wave_1 = sin(2*pi*210*n/Fs);  % First tone, 210 Hz
Wave_2 = sin(2*pi*200*n/Fs);  % Second tone, 200 Hz
        % Plot the two tones 
        plot(n/Fs, Wave_1, '-b')
        ylabel('200 Hz'); xlabel('Time (sec.)'); 
        hold on
        plot(n/Fs, Wave_2, '-r')
        axis([0, 0.05, -1.2, 1.5]); 
        ylabel('Input tones'); xlabel('Time (sec.)'); 
        title('red = 200 Hz tone,  blue = 210 Hz tone'); 
        grid on, zoom on
        hold off
Product = Wave_1.*Wave_2;
Sum = Wave_1 + Wave_2;

        % Plot the tones' product and sum 
        plot(n/Fs, Product, '-b'), 
        ylabel('Product'); xlabel('Time (sec.)'); 
        grid on, zoom on
        hold on
        Red_Curve = 0.5*cos(2*pi*10*n/Fs) + 0.5;  % Used for plotting only
        plot(n/Fs, Red_Curve, '-r')
        axis([0, 0.3, -1.25, 1.5]);
        hold off
        grid on, zoom on
        plot(n/Fs, Sum, '-b')
        hold on
        Red_Curve = 2*cos(2*pi*5*n/Fs);  % Used for plotting only
        plot(n/Fs, Red_Curve, '-r')
        axis([0, 0.3, -2.4, 3]);
        hold off
        ylabel('Sum'); xlabel('Time (sec.)');
        grid on, zoom on
% Play all the signals
    sound(Wave_1, Fs)
    sound(Wave_2, Fs)
    sound(Product, Fs)
    sound(Sum, Fs)
% Spec analysis of the "Sum" signal
Spec = fft(Sum);
Spec_Mag = abs(Spec);
Freq = n*Fs/N; % Freq vector in Hz
        figure (3)  % Plot positive-freq spec amg
        plot(Freq(1:N/16), Spec_Mag(1:N/16))
        title('Spec Mag of "Sum" signal')
        ylabel('Mag.'), xlabel('Hz')
        grid on, zoom on