
Fractional Delay Line implementation

Gabriel Rivas January 27, 20113 comments Coded in C

This is a working implementation of a fractional delay line in C. It has been tested

in the dsPIC audio kit, and in a PC running GNU/Linux operating system using the Open Sound System audio driver, but it may work on any regular DSP since it's written in C language.

This piece of code can be used as the building block to do other effects such as chorus, flanger, echo etc.

#include "delay.h"
#include "math.h"

#define MAX_BUF_SIZE 64000

*       Fractional delay line implementation in C:
*                    ---------[d_mix]--------------------------
*                    |                                         |
*                    |                                         |
*                    |x1                                       v
*     xin ------>[+]----->[z^-M]--[interp.]----[d_fw]-------->[+]-----> yout 
*                 ^                         |  
*                 |                         |
*                 |----------[d_fb]<--------|   

double d_buffer[MAX_BUF_SIZE];

This interface defines the delay object
static struct fract_delay {
    double d_mix;       /*delay blend parameter*/
    short d_samples;	/*delay duration in samples*/
    double d_fb;	    /*feedback volume*/
    double d_fw;	    /*delay tap mix volume*/
    double n_fract;     /*fractional part of the delay*/
    double *rdPtr;      /*delay read pointer*/
    double *wrtPtr;     /*delay write pointer*/

static struct fract_delay del;

This function is used to initialize the delay object
void Delay_Init(double delay_samples,double dfb,double dfw, double dmix) {
	del.wrtPtr = &d_buffer[MAX_BUF_SIZE-1];

These functions are used as interface to the delay object,
so there's not direct access to the delay object from
external modules
void Delay_set_fb(double val) {
    del.d_fb = val;

void Delay_set_fw(double val) {
    del.d_fw = val;

void Delay_set_mix(double val) {
    del.d_mix = val;

void Delay_set_delay(double n_delay) {
    /*Get the integer part of the delay*/
    del.d_samples = (short)floor(n_delay);

    /*gets the fractional part of the delay*/
    del.n_fract = (n_delay - del.d_samples);	

double Delay_get_fb(void) {
    return del.d_fb;

double Delay_get_fw(void) {
    return del.d_fw;

double Delay_get_mix(void) {
    return del.d_mix;

This is the main delay task,
double Delay_task(double xin) {
	double yout;
	double * y0; 
	double * y1;
	double x1;
	double x_est;
    /*Calculates current read pointer position*/
	del.rdPtr = del.wrtPtr - (short)del.d_samples;
	/*Wraps read pointer*/
	if (del.rdPtr < d_buffer) {
		del.rdPtr += MAX_BUF_SIZE-1;
	/*Linear interpolation to estimate the delay + the fractional part*/
	y0 = del.rdPtr-1;
	y1 = del.rdPtr;

	if (y0 < d_buffer) {
	    y0 += MAX_BUF_SIZE-1;

	x_est = (*(y0) - *(y1))*del.n_fract + *(y1);

    /*Calculate next value to store in buffer*/
    x1 = xin + x_est*del.d_fb;
	/*Store value in buffer*/
	*(del.wrtPtr) = x1;
    /*Output value calculation*/
	yout = x1*del.d_mix + x_est*del.d_fw;

    /*Increment delat write pointer*/

    /*Wraps delay write pointer*/
	if ((del.wrtPtr-&d_buffer[0]) > MAX_BUF_SIZE-1) {
		del.wrtPtr = &d_buffer[0];
	return yout;
#ifndef __DELAY_H__
#define __DELAY_H__

void Delay_Init(double delay_samples,double dfb,double dfw, double dmix);
void Delay_set_fb(double val);
void Delay_set_fw(double val);
void Delay_set_mix(double val);
void Delay_set_delay(double n_delay);
double Delay_get_fb(void);
double Delay_get_fw(void);
double Delay_get_mix(void);
double Delay_task(double xin);

/*****USAGE EXAMPLE****************************************/
void main(void) {
    double xin;
    double yout;

    while(1) { 
        if (new_sample_flag()) {
            /*When there's new sample at your ADC or CODEC input*/
            /*Read the sample*/
            xin = read_sample();
            /*Apply the Delay_task function to the sample*/
            yout = Delay_task(xin);

            /*Send the output value to your ADC or codec output*/