Pete Rogers (@OnMyOwn)
If anyone has worked with this board and connected it to either a serial or parallel DAC, tell me where the connections are! The documentation for the board describes...
OK, so definitely NOT the TMS320C6713! And the consensus seems to be to start with baseband. I've built a couple of DDS VFOs based on Si5351 and AD9850 so I'd...
Thanks, and my compliments on a well-written article. I'm not sure I want to get into that much construction at this point, but the article does help me understand...
Very interesting. I haven't been thinking of simulation because of the obstacles to doing real-time programming in a multitasking environment. But I've written...
Thanks, that's an impressive chip. I see that AD has an evaluation board for $195, which I might try for this application. As you can see, I now have many alternatives...
Wow, thanks for all those suggestions! I thought I'd be starting on this project this week, but with all these new ideas I'll have to take at least another month...
OK, thanks for that. I briefly looked into using an FPGA instead of a DSP, but I know almost nothing about them other than that they are programmed with VHDL or...
That would be great, assuming there is some board with the chip already mounted (I don't think I'm capable of designing the circuit from the chip datasheet alone). ...
Thanks for the strategy of working back from the D/A interface -- makes sense in terms of simplifying things. This project will be a big step up for me as someone...
OK, thanks very much, especially for clearing up the ARM core question. I'll look into the CMSIS library.
I'm trying to build a simple SDR transmitter. My plan is to use a TMS320C6713 DSK to generate and modulate a sine wave (AM and SSB, no digital) at an IF frequency...
Thanks for the speedy reply! So, yourexplanation of the slope is a big help -- now I understandthe quantities on the right of the last line. But I'm stillconfused...
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