
Using the ADSP-21992 SPORT for polled asynchronous UART operation

Started by Krieger,Alex June 3, 2004
Using the ADSP-21992 SPORT for polled asynchronous UART operation

Having refferd to ADI's EE60 and AN401-08 on interrupt-driven SPORT operation, I would like to adapt these ideas for
polled operation in C, at least just to start with.  Transmission has proven relatively painless, and can easily be done at a bit rate = serial clock rate, not having to go at 3x.  Receiving has proven thus far painful.  After initializing the SPORT Rx for 3x, NO FSRequired, just to trigger data reception on the falling start bit, and 16 bits (not 15), the idea is to poll the receiver status flag until let the receiver receives the first 16 bits (at 3x), read that in, and then poll again waiting for the second 16-bits (NO FS required), and then disabling the SPORT, and re-enabling it to re-set it to re-synch it to the next start bit.  The two words can then be processed as a single 32-bit something like:

// The basic idea:

char  URx_char  (void)
{ // Assume SPORT Rx initialized with FSR=0, SLEN (for 16 bits)
  // SCLK = 3x data bit rate

        char    cX = 0,                 // Char. returned
                cBit;                   // Mask bit
        union {                         // 2 16-bit words
                long      lX;           // handled as one 32-bit
                struct  {
                        int  MSW, LSW; 
                } Ints;                        
        } Rx;
        sysreg_write (sysreg_IOPG, SPORT0_Controller_Page);

        while (!(io_read (SP0_STATR) & RXS_bit));       // Wait for 1-st word
        Rx.Ints.LSW = io_read (SP0_RX);                 // Read in 1-st 16 bits

        while (!(io_read (SP0_STATR) & RXS_bit));       // Wait for 2-nd word
        Rx.Ints.MSW = io_read (SP0_RX);                 // Read in 2-nd 16 bits

        // Disable and re-enable SPORT Rx to synch to next start bit

        for (cBit= 1 ; cBit & 0xFF ; cBit <<= 1, Rx.lX >>= 3)   // test every 3-rd bit
                if (Rx.Ints.LSW & 1)
                        cX |= cBit ;

        return  cX;
} // URx_char()

The question: how to properly re-start the SPORT Rx to re-synch to the next start bit.