
C5402 DSK queries

Started by AjW January 4, 2001

We are considering a C5402 DSK in the development of one of our projects, if
anyone has any experience of the following could they please help ?

1 - Is it possible to use the DSK with a JTAG for s/w development, i.e. a
non-intrusive way of downloading/executing and debugging programs. Can we
do away with the parallel port interface?

2 - Has anyone managed to directly interface to the Memory/data busses of
the C5402 DSK, is this only possible using the expansion ports provided?

3 - I'd love to 'RTFM' but I'm having trouble finding documentation on the
C5402 DSK board, or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place - any ideas?

Many Thanks


Adam J. W.

>We are considering a C5402 DSK in the development of one of our projects, if
>anyone has any experience of the following could they please help ?
>1 - Is it possible to use the DSK with a JTAG for s/w development, i.e. a
>non-intrusive way of downloading/executing and debugging programs. Can we
>do away with the parallel port interface?

Using JTAG is certainly possible, but you will need the full version of CCS
software; i.e. including emulation component. If you go around the parallel
port interface, then the limited version of CCS that is shipped with the DSK
C5402 board will not be able to perform debug functions. Also, you will need to

set the dip switch that selects the "JTAG multiplexer" to be the JTAG header
rather than the TBC (test bus controller) that connects to the host parallel
port interface.

>2 - Has anyone managed to directly interface to the Memory/data busses of
>the C5402 DSK, is this only possible using the expansion ports provided?

If you mean hardware interface, then you could do it by soldering to onboard
components, but why would you want to do that? What's wrong with using the
expansion connectors? If you mean software interface, then you can access the
user DLL provided with the board from a Visual C/C++ program and use HPI write
and read functions to put code/data into DSP memory wherever you need it.

>3 - I'd love to 'RTFM' but I'm having trouble finding documentation on the
>C5402 DSK board, or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place - any ideas?

The Windows Help (.hlp) files that come with the DSK board are what you want.
These files are actually pretty good, once you kind of get to know which
sections have which stuff. Some of our engineers are working on a DSK C5402 web

page which will have a link to the help files. When this page is ready I will
let you know.

Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer


>Yes you can use the JTAG. You have to enable it by changing switch settings.
>You need to get a schematic that shows how to do it. TI have the schematic.

The switch settings are documented in the .hlp (Windows help) files that come
with the DSK C5402 CD. The schematic is not needed to know how to select either

onboard JTAG header or TBC chip.

Jeff Brower
DSP sw/hw engineer
Signalogic >-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Brower [mailto:]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 4:02 AM
>To: Adam J. W.
>Subject: Re: [c54x] C5402 DSK queries >Adam J. W.
>>We are considering a C5402 DSK in the development of one of our projects,
>>anyone has any experience of the following could they please help ?
>>1 - Is it possible to use the DSK with a JTAG for s/w development, i.e. a
>>non-intrusive way of downloading/executing and debugging programs. Can we
>>do away with the parallel port interface?
>Using JTAG is certainly possible, but you will need the full version of CCS
>software; i.e. including emulation component. If you go around the parallel
>port interface, then the limited version of CCS that is shipped with the DSK
>C5402 board will not be able to perform debug functions. Also, you will
>need to
>set the dip switch that selects the "JTAG multiplexer" to be the JTAG header
>rather than the TBC (test bus controller) that connects to the host parallel
>port interface.
>>2 - Has anyone managed to directly interface to the Memory/data busses of
>>the C5402 DSK, is this only possible using the expansion ports provided?
>If you mean hardware interface, then you could do it by soldering to onboard
>components, but why would you want to do that? What's wrong with using the
>expansion connectors? If you mean software interface, then you can access
>user DLL provided with the board from a Visual C/C++ program and use HPI
>and read functions to put code/data into DSP memory wherever you need it.
>>3 - I'd love to 'RTFM' but I'm having trouble finding documentation on the
>>C5402 DSK board, or maybe I'm looking in the wrong place - any ideas?
>The Windows Help (.hlp) files that come with the DSK board are what you
>These files are actually pretty good, once you kind of get to know which
>sections have which stuff. Some of our engineers are working on a DSK C5402
>page which will have a link to the help files. When this page is ready I
>let you know.
>Jeff Brower
>DSP sw/hw engineer


You might find the following page useful:


I've collected the answers to most trouble I ran into when getting
the TI C5402 DSK working.

Hope it will be of help,
