
MEM_alloc problems

Started by kbre...@mail.utexas.edu March 6, 2008
Here is my code:
#include "shared.h"

#define SDRAM 0x80000000

interrupt void tx_isr(void); /* prototype the ISR */
int segid_sdram;
float *x;

void labmain()
segid_sdram =MEM_define((void *)SDRAM,0x01000000,NULL);
x =(void *)MEM_alloc(segid_sdram,0x30000,0);}

When I try to build the project I get the errors:

undefined first referenced
symbol in file
--------- ----------------
_MEM_define H:\345s\lab-skeleton\Debug\labmain.obj
_MEM_alloc H:\345s\lab-skeleton\Debug\labmain.obj
>> error: symbol referencing errors - 'H:/345s/lab-skeleton/Debug/codec.out'

I'm pretty sure it's a linking problem. I think it might be missing a library. Can anybody help with this?
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