
Re: [Ask] Image Interpolation in C6713

Started by pabl...@ctag.com May 2, 2011

I'm searching on net information of DSKeye. Now is difficult find in stock this daughter board for DSK6713, but BITEC told that they have some. I'm starting on DSP and I would like making some image processing on my starter kit DKS6713, that I bought recently. Do you recommend it?Do you know code examples for this board? Do you know another daughter board with camera for this starter kit??

Thanks a lot!

Hi all,
>I need to implement RGB interpolation from a raw bayer image from CMOS camera module.
>It is more comfortable for me to store the raw data into a multidimensional-array, like image[x][y] with x and y are the image pixel coordinates, as it is applicable with C++ or C#. But is it also the right solution in dsp platform? Because i am thinking of limited memory allocation in dsp whether it could store for example 5 mega pixels image. i am using C6713 DSK with DSK-eye daughtercard.
>Thank you,
>Fariza Dion Prasetyo
>Ferdinand Bolstraat 58,
>7545CH Enschede, The Netherlands
>p : +31 (0) 619804039
>e : f...@yahoo.com
>w : http://farizadp.hartonoda.net
