
HOSTSW and DSPINT difference

Started by yati...@hotmail.com May 6, 2011
This is regarding TMS320c6412 DSP. What's the difference between HOSTSW and DSPINT interrupt?


Are you referring to bits in the HPI register ?

- Andrew

From: "y...@hotmail.com"
To: c...
Sent: Fri, May 6, 2011 3:54:19 PM
Subject: [c6x] HOSTSW and DSPINT difference

This is regarding TMS320c6412 DSP. What's the difference between HOSTSW and
DSPINT interrupt?

> This is regarding TMS320c6412 DSP. What's the difference between HOSTSW and DSPINT interrupt?

Where do you see "HOSTSW"? I can't find that anywhere on TI's site.


Thanks, I found the answer to this question. This was related to HPI/PCI registers.


This is regarding TMS320c6412 DSP. What's the difference between HOSTSW and DSPINT interrupt?
