
EDMA Problem

Started by troylu64 March 20, 2005

I am using C6711 to collect data from THS1206 A/D converter. THS1206
is at CE2 space. THS1206's FIFO trigger level is set at 12 and the
FIFO full signal is connected t C6711's INT4. EMIF configuration for
CE2 is set as 16-bits Async Space.

When I fetch THS1206's data in INT4 ISR, everything is OK, there are
12 pulses in CE2 signal. But when I use EDMA to fetch data, there are
only 6 pulses in CE2 signal, so leaving THS1206's FIFO un-empty and
the further interrupt at INT4 doesn't happen.

EDMA_Config edmaCfg_Dummy = {
0x48200003, /* Option */
(Uint32) &sTHS1206_port, /* Source Address */
0x0002000C, /* Transfer Counter - Numeric */
(Uint32) &gData, /* Destination Address */
0x00000000, /* Index register - Numeric */
0x000C01B0 /* Element Count Reload and Link
Address */

Could somebody help me with this?

Thank You.