
Question for frank.agee@gmail.com

Started by Rick Lyons October 2, 2006


  Frank, reading thru the new posts this morning 
you asked me to "elaborate" on Hilbert transform 
applications.   I posted a moderately long message 
in reply to your request.

After posting my message, I read three other 
recent posts of yours asking people to "elaborate"
on various aspects of DSP.  Now I'm suspicious.

Frank, what are your intentions?  Why are you 
asking people to "elaborate" on so many different
DSP topics?    Is this related to your request that 
we join your Google group?   Am I going to regret 
that I took the time to "elaborate" on the 
Hilbert transform?

Come on Frank, what's up?


Rick Lyons wrote:

> > After posting my message, I read three other > recent posts of yours asking people to "elaborate" > on various aspects of DSP. Now I'm suspicious. >
I'm envisioning a novice news or talk show interviewer who simply says, "Interesting -- tell us more", regardless of the subject. -- Mark Borgerding