
Image Comparison Algorithm

Started by ppla...@yahoo.com November 18, 2005
I am looking for an image comparison algorithm. I need to compare two RGB images (24 bits per pixel) considering a mismatch percent. If the first image is lighter than the secound one them they has to be consider as equal images.

Can anyone help me?


Try this. Convert to freq domain. Throw away DC.
Compare only AC coefs.

Or remove mean from both the images. If required,
normalise using standard deviation of the 2 images.
And compare in pixel domain.


--- pplantero@ppla... wrote:

> I am looking for an image comparison algorithm. I
> need to compare two RGB images (24 bits per pixel)
> considering a mismatch percent. If the first image
> is lighter than the secound one them they has to be
> consider as equal images.
> Can anyone help me?
> pablin
> pplantero@ppla...