
Kohonens SOM usage in image processing

Started by Emre ARDALI June 5, 2006
Dear all;
I am newly study on the neural networks applications in image processing area. I want to cluster an image basically 2 region by the use of kohonen self organazing maps (SOMs). But cannot handle using the matlab nn toolbox.Is there any body who worked on this subject before? Could you please help about the usage of that functions? How i can interprete an image to SOM network and cluster it 2 region?
I have worked a little bit with image segmentaion but
not using the technique u have mentioned. Image
segmentation is as you have described a clustering

Normally you try to describe each pixel in your image
as a feature vector. This feature vector may contain,
the x coordinate, y coord, and then 1 or more colour
components(either RGB or YUV or any colour space that
you wish).

Now you try to cluster these feature vectors into 2
clusters, using whatever clustering techniques that
you wish to use.

Hope it helps.


--- Emre ARDALI wrote:

> Dear all;
> I am newly study on the neural networks
> applications in image processing area. I want to
> cluster an image basically 2 region by the use of
> kohonen self organazing maps (SOMs). But cannot
> handle using the matlab nn toolbox.Is there any
> body who worked on this subject before? Could you
> please help about the usage of that functions? How i
> can interprete an image to SOM network and cluster
> it 2 region?
> Thanks
> Regards
> Emo