
Effectiveness of a stabilized video

Started by hey3...@yahoo.com June 22, 2006
Hi everyone,
im currently working on my thesis proposal regarding video stabilization.
is there a specific way in which i can actually measure the effectiveness of the output of this prototype, given that there is no ground for what is the real stabilized video (a video sequence with translational, rotational, etc motions) ?
Hi everyone,
>im currently working on my thesis proposal regarding video stabilization.
>is there a specific way in which i can actually measure the effectiveness of the output of this prototype, given that there is no ground for what is the real stabilized video (a video sequence with translational, rotational, etc motions) ?
I've worked on stabilization algorithms, and i've used the Interframe Transformation fidelity and the Global Transformation fidelity.
The produced PSNR's look ok
Is it what you search for??
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