
Test images for iamge rectification

Started by Unknown February 22, 2010
Hi all

I'm working on an application that rectifies images by means of the direct linear transform (dlt).

Right now, my application works with some of my images, but in other cases the resulting image is a nonsense.

in the rectification process the data are subjected to measurement and
human error, Im not sure either my application isn't working properly
or my data are wrong.

That's why I'm looking for a set of images
that I can use to test my application. It could be just an image an its
corresponding L1...L11 dlt coefficients or the geographical data that
allow to calculate the Ls.

So far I'm quite sure about my
calculation of the dlt coefficients, so an image, its dlt coefficients
and the resulting rectified image would be just enought for me.

Does anybody has info about a place in the web (or something similar) where a rectification application can be tested?

Thanks in advance for your attention

PS: I'm sorry this is the third version of this message. The first time I pulsed "intro" at a bad moment, and the second one I forgot to add a subject.