
Place of Zeropads

Started by dirk...@hotmail.com February 23, 2009

I was wondering if it matters where to place the zeropad after windowing a time signal (to prepare for fast FT).

More specific, I am use a 418 point Hann window to window a time signal and then pad to 512-points before FT transforming. Will the FT be differ when I place:

1) 52 pads before AND after the window
2) 104 points before the window
3) 104 points after the window


So far I checked the radix-2 transform pairs for a 10point signal padded with 6 zeros and a 12point signal with 4 zeros. All resulting in the same pairs and transform (assuming that a 0 transformed with signal[x] is the same as a transfrom with signal[x] and a zero).

However, when I compare the absolute values of the different padded FT's there is a difference in the order of 10^-16, is this something significant?