
help regarding optimization

Started by maha devi October 31, 2009

i have some doubts related to optimization and using optimization toobox in

(1) i have to determine the step size for steepest descent and newton using
armijo's rule for *rosenbrock function*. can any help me with armijo's rule
algorithm to code in matlab. I saw few online material , but couldn't
comprehend dat much.

(2) I have to plot X vs k, alpha vs k, dk vs k on the same plot ( X=[x,y],
alphas -step size , dk - descent direction)

(3) I have to do a 3D plot (x, y,z ) in which along xy-plane i should
display the contour of the function and along vertical direction i should
plot the rosenbrock function.

(4) I have to do a motion plot showing the whold dynamics happening in these
algorithms (steepest desent and newton).

It would be really helpful if i could get some help on this.

Thanks a lots