Code Snippets Submitted by quetzal
Discrete Cosine Transform 1D Matrix Processing
function [Sdct] = matrix_dct(P) %where P is the vector to apply the dct
for f=0: N-1;
for x=0: N-1;
W(f+1, x+1)=cos((2*x+1)*pi*f/(2*N)); %matrix kernel
Sdct=sqrt(2/N)*Sdct.*Cf'; %constant product
TI F281x and F2833x ADC Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h" //if using F2812
//#include "DSP2833x_Device.h" //if using F28335
void InitAdc(void)
/*** ADC Reset*/
AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.RESET = 1;
asm(" RPT #22 || NOP"); //Wait 2 clocks assuming ADCCLK=12.5 Mhz and SYSCLKOUT=150 Mhz
/*** ADC Power-On */
AdcRegs.ADCTRL3.all = 0x00ED;
// bit 15-9 0's: reserved
// bit 8 0: EXTREF
// bit 7-6 11: ADCBGRFDN, Reference voltage, 00=off, 11=on
// bit 5 1: ADCPWDN, Main Power Source, 0=off, 1=on
// bit 4-1 0110: ADCCLKPS, clock prescaler, FCLK=HSPCLK/(2*ADCCLKPS)
// bit 0 1: SMODE_SEL, 0=sequencial sampling, 1=simultaneous sampling
DelayUs(5000); //TI's asm function
//Wait 5 ms
/*** ADCMAXCONV Register configuration*/
AdcRegs.ADCMAXCONV.all = 0x0000;
// bit 15-7 0's: reserved
// bit 6-4 000: MAX_CONV2
// bit 3-0 0000: MAX_CONV1 (0 = 1 conversion)
/*** Select channels for sampling in SEQ1 */
AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV00 = 0; //Channels A0 and B0
/*** ADCTRL1 Register configuration */
AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.all = 0x0700;
// bit 15 0: reserved
// bit 14 0: RESET
// bit 13-12 00: SUSMOD, 00=ignore emulation suspend
// bit 11-8 0111: ACQ_PS Acquisition window pre-scaler
// bit 7 0: CPS Core clock
// bit 6 0: CONT_RUN
// bit 5 0: SEQ_OVRD
// bit 4 0: SEQ_CASC
// bit 3-0 0000: reserved
/*** ADCTRL2 Register configuration */
AdcRegs.ADCTRL2.all = 0x0800;
// bit 15 0: EVB_SOC_SEQ: SOC trigger by EVB
// bit 14 0: RST_SEQ1: SEQ1 reset
// bit 13 0: SOC_SEQ1: trigger signal for SEQ1
// bit 12 0: reserved
// bit 11 1: INT_ENA_SEQ1: SEQ1 interruption enable
// bit 10 0: INT_MOD_SEQ1: interruption mode
// bit 9 0: reserved
// bit 8 0: EVA_SOC_SEQ1, 1=SEQ1 starts with EVA_SOC trigger
// bit 7 0: EXT_SOC_SEQ1, 1=SEQ1 starts with ADCSOC input signal
// bit 6 0: RST_SEQ2
// bit 5 0: SOC_SEQ2
// bit 4 0: reserved
// bit 3 0: INT_ENA_SEQ2: SEQ1 interruption enabled
// bit 2 0: INT_MOD_SEQ2: interruption mode
// bit 1 0: reserved
// bit 0 0: EVB_SOC_SEQ2
/*** ADC interruption enable */
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx6= 1;
IER |= 0x0001;
TI F281x SCI Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
* Function: InitSci()
* Description: This function initializes F281x SCI. In this case the desired rate
* is 9600 bps, 8 databits, 1 stop bit and no parity.
void InitSci(void)
/*** SCI reset */
ScibRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET= 0;
/*** Setting the baud rate to 9600 bps assuming LSPCLK=150 Mhz */
ScibRegs.SCIHBAUD = 0x07;
ScibRegs.SCILBAUD = 0xA0;
/*** Configuration for no stop bits, no parity and 8 data bits */
ScibRegs.SCICCR.all = 0x07;
// bit 7 0: STOP BITS
// bit 6 0: PARITY
// bit 5 0: PARITY ENABLE
// bit 4 0: LOOP BACK ENA
// bit 3 0: ADDR/IDLE MODE
// bit 2-0 111: SCI CHAR
/*** Transmitter and receiver enabled */
ScibRegs.SCICTL1.all = 0x03;
// bit 7 0: Reserved
// bit 6 0: RX ERR INT
// bit 5 0: SW RESET
// bit 4 0 Reserved
// bit 3 0: TXWAKE
// bit 2 0: SLEEP
// bit 1 1: TXENA, Habilitación del transmisor
// bit 0 1: RXENA, Habilitación del receptor
/*** Tx and Rx interruption enabled */
ScibRegs.SCICTL2.all = 0x0003;
// bit 7 0: TXRDY
// bit 6 0: TX EMPTY
// bit 5-2 0's: Reserved
// bit 1 1: RX/BK INT
// bit 0 1: TX INT
/***Emulation mode configuration */
ScibRegs.SCIPRI.all = 0x0010;
// bit 7-5 0's: Reserved
// bit 4-3 10: Emulation Mode
// bit 2-0 0's: Reserved
/*** SCI Reset */
ScibRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET= 1;
/*** SCI interruptions enabled in PIE */
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.bit.INTx4= 1;
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.bit.INTx3= 1;
IER |= 0x0100;
/**End of file*/
CRC calculation
unsigned char crc(unsigned char data[],int L)
unsigned char P=0x83;
unsigned char *data_ptr;
unsigned char crc_result;
int bit;
if (crc_result>=128)
//multiply by 2^n-k;
if (crc_result>=128)
return crc_result;
T1 F281x Mcbsp Transmitter Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
Parameter Condition Register Value
Delay between data frames: 1 bit XCR2.XDATDLY 0b01
Word Length: 16 bits XCR1.XDLEN1 0b010
Words per frame: 1 word XCR1.XFRLEN1 0
sample rate: 150 kHz SRGR1.CLKGDV 0xC7
void InitMcbsp(void)
/*** Mcbsp Reset */
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.XRST= 0;
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.GRST= 0;
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.FRST= 0;
/*** SPCR2 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.all = 0x0000;
// bit 15-10 0's: Reserved
// bit 9 0: FREE Free running mode
// bit 8 0: SOFT Soft bit
// bit 7 0: FRST Frame sync generator reset
// bit 6 0: GRST Sample rate generator reset
// bit 5-4 00: XINTM Transmit interrupt mode
// bit 3 0: XSYNCERR Transmit synchronization error
// bit 2 0: XEMPTY Transmit shift register (XSR) empty
// bit 1 0: XRDY Transmitter ready
// bit 0 0: XRST Transmitter reset
/*** SPCR1 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.SPCR1.all = 0x0000;
// bit 15 0: DLB Digital Loop back mode
// bit 14-13 0: RJUST Receive sign extension and justification mode
// bit 12-11 00: CLKSTP Clock Stop Mode
// bit 10-8 0's: Reserved
// bit 7 0: DXENA DX enabler.
// bit 6 0: ABIS ABIS mode
// bit 5-4 00: RINTM Receive Interrupt Mode
// bit 3 0 RSYNCERR Receive Synchronization error
// bit 2 0 RFULL Receive shift register full
// bit 1 0 RRDY Receiver ready
// bit 0 0 RRST Receiver reset
/*** XCR2 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.XCR2.all = 0x0001;
// bit 15 0: XPHASE Transmit phase
// bit 14-8 0's; XRFRLEN2 Transmit frame length 2
// bit 7-5 000: XWDLEN2 Transmit word length 2
// bit 4-3 00: XCOMPAND Transmit companding mode
// bit 2 0: XFIG Transmite frame ignore
// bit 1-0 01: XDATDLY Data Delay (Delay in bits between two frames)
/*** XCR1 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.XCR1.all = 0x0040;
// bit 15 0 Reserved
// bit 14-8 0's: XFRLEN1 Frame Length 1 (Words per frame)
// bit 7-5 010: XWDLEN1 Word Length 1 (bits per word)
// bit 4 0: Reserved
// bit 3-0 0's: Reserved
/*** SRGR2 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.SRGR2.all = 0x2011;
// bit 15 0; GSYNC Sample rate generator clock synchronization
// bit 14 0: Reserved
// bit 13 1: CLKSM Mcbsp sample rate generator clock mode: internal clock
// bit 12 0: FSGM Transmit frame synchronization mode
// bit 11-0 x011: FPER Frame Period (number of CLKG cycles between sync signals): 18 cycles
/*** SRGR1 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.SRGR1.all = 0x00E8;
// bit 15-8 x00: FWID Frame Width
// bit 7-0 xC7 CLKGDV Sample rate generator clock divider
/*** MCR2 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.MCR2.all = 0x0200;
// bit 15-10 0's: Reserved
// bit 9 1: XMCME Enhanced transmit multichannel selection enable
// bit 8-7 00: XPBBLK Receive/transmit partition B block
// bit 6-5 00: XPABLK Receive/transmit partition A block
// bit 4-2 000: XCBLK Receive/transmit current block
// bit 1-0 00: XMCM Transmit multichannel selection enable
/*** MCR1 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.MCR1.all = 0x0201;
// bit 15-10 0's: Reserved
// bit 9 1 RMCME Enhanced receive multichannel selection enable
// bit 8-7 00 RPBBLK Receive/transmit partition B block
// bit 6-5 00 RPABLK Receive/transmit partition A block
// bit 4-2 000 RCBLK Receive transmit current block
// bit 1 0 Reserved
// bit 0 1 RMCM Receive multichannel selection enable
/*** PCR Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.PCR.all = 0x0A00;
// bit 15-12 0's: Reserved
// bit 11 1: FSXM Transmit frame synchronization mode
// bit 10 0: FSRM Receive frame synchronization mode
// bit 9 1: CLKXM Transmit frame synchronization mode (internal, FSR as output)
// bit 8 0: CLKRM Receiver clock mode
// bit 7 0: SCLKME Sample clock mode selection bit
// bit 6 0: CLKS_STAT Reserved
// bit 5 0: DX_STAT DX pin status
// bit 4 0: DR_STAT DR pin status
// bit 3 0: FSXP Transmit frame synchronization polarity
// bit 2 0: FSRP Receive frame synchronization polarity
// bit 1 0: CLKXP Tramsmit clock polarity
// bit 0 0: CLKRP Receive clock polarity
/*** Mcbsp Start-up */
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.XRST= 1;
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.GRST= 1;
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.FRST= 1;
/*** Interruption Configuration */
McbspaRegs.MFFINT.bit.XINT= 1;
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER6.bit.INTx6= 1;
IER |= 0x0020;
/**End of function*/
TI C281x Timer Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
* Function: InitTimer()
* Description: Initialize the CPU Timer 0 at a rate of 2 Hz
void InitTimer(void)
//CpuTimer0Regs.TIM.all = 0x0; //Timer0 Counter Register
CpuTimer0Regs.PRD.all = 0x047868C0; //Period Register
CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.all = 0x4830; //Control Register
bit 15 0: CPU-Timer Interupt Flag
bit 14 1: Timer Interrupt Enable
bit 13-12 0's: Reserved
bit 11-10 10: CPU-Timer Emulation Modes
bit 9-6 0's: Reserved
bit 5 0: CPU-Timer Reload bit
bit 4 0: CPU-Timer Status Bit
bit 3-0 0's: Reserved
CpuTimer0Regs.TPR.all = 0x0000; //Prescale Register
CpuTimer0Regs.TPRH.all = 0x0000; //Prescale Register High
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx7 = 1; //Interruption enabled
IER |= 0x0001; //PIE group enabled
StartCpuTimer0();//Reset of the Timer
TI F281x PWM Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
void InitPwm(void)
asm( "EALLOW"); //Enable write operations in protected registers
/*** Independent Compare Output Enable */
EvaRegs.EXTCONA.bit.INDCOE= 1;
* Write values in the two following registers until all the other
* registers have been written, as their value depends on the other
* registers. *
/*** Timer 1 Period Regiser */
EvaRegs.T1PR = 0xB71A; //use this value for a frequency of 200 Hz assuming
//sysclkout=150 MHz and its pre-scaler=16
/*** CMPR1 Register Configuration */
EvaRegs.CMPR1= 0x493D; //to get 60% of duty cycle this value equals the 1-0.6= 40% period
EvaRegs.GPTCONA.all= 0x0050;
// bit 15 0 Reserved
// bit 14 0 T2STAT GP timer 2 Status.
// bit 13 0 T1STAT GP timer 1 Status.
// bit 12 0 T2CTRIPE T2CTRIP Enable.
// bit 11 0 T1CTRIPE T1CTRIP Enable.
// bit 10-9 00 T2TOADC Start ADC with timer 2 event
// bit 8-7 00 T1TOADC Start ADC with timer 1 event
// bit 6 1 TCMPOE Timer compare output enable.
// bit 5 0 T2CMPOE Timer 2 compare output enable.
// bit 4 1 T1CMPOE Timer 1 Compare Output Enable.
// bit 3-2 00 T2PIN Polarity of GP timer 2 compare output
// bit 1-0 00 T1PIN Polarity of GP timer 1 compare output
/*** COMCONA Register Configuration*/
EvaRegs.COMCONA.all = 0x8020;
// bit 15 1: CENABLE: Compare Enable
// bit 14-13 00: CLD1, CLD0: CMPRx Reload Condition
// bit 12 0: SVENABLE: PWM Vector Enable
// bit 11-10 00: ACTRLD1,ACTRLD0: Action Control Regiser Reload Condition
// bit 9 0: FCMPOE: Full Compare Output Enable
// bit 8 0: PDPINTA: PDPINTA Status
// bit 7 0: FCMP3OE: Compare 3 Output Enable
// bit 6 0: FCMP2OE: Compare 2 Output Enable
// bit 5 1: FCMP1OE: Compare 1 Output Enable
// bit 4-3 00: Reserved
// bit 2 0: C3TRIPE: C3TRIP Enable
// bit 1 0: C2TRIPE: C2TRIP Enable
// bit 0 0: C1TRIPE: C1TRIP Enable
/** ACTRA Register Configuration*/
EvaRegs.ACTRA.all = 0x0002;
// bit 15 0: SVRDIR: PWM Vector rotate direction
// bit 14-12 000: D2-D: PWM Vector basic bits
// bit 11-10 00: CMP6ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 6, CMP6.
// bit 9-8 00: CMP5ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 5, CMP5.
// bit 7-6 00: CMP4ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 4, CMP4.
// bit 5-4 00: CMP3ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 3, CMP3
// bit 3-2 00: CMP2ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 2, CMP2
// bit 1-0 10 CMP1ACT1-0 Compare Action in el pin 1, CMP1
/*** T1CON Register Configuration*/
EvaRegs.T1CON.all = 0x9442;
// bit 15:14 10: Emulation Control bits
// bit 13 0: Reserved
// bit 12-11 10: TMODE1-TMODE0 Counter Mode Selection
// bit 10-8 100: TPS2-TPS0 Pre-scaler: 100= HSPCLK/16
// bit 7 0: T2SWT1 Timer 2 trigger by timer 1
// bit 6 1: TENABLE Timer Enable
// bit 5-4 00: TCLKS(1,0) Clock Source Selection
// bit 3-2 00: TCLD(1,0) Timer Compare Register Reload Condition
// bit 1 1: TECMPR Compare Operations Enable
// bit 0 0: SELT1PR: Period Register Selection
asm( "EDIS"); //Protected Registers Write Disabled
/**End of function*/
FFT with down-sampling in time domain
clc, clear all, close all
%number of stages
%to array elements in a proper way for the butterfly
for k=0:N-1;
%to set up twiddle factors
for k=0:N/2-1;
%entering to graph
%k holds the stage
for k=1:M;
%l holds the butterfly
for l=1:N/k2;
%m holds the upper element of the butterfly
for m=1:k21;
op1 = x1((l-1)*(k2)+m);
op2 = x1((l-1)*(k2)+m+k21);
%butterfly equation
x1((l-1)*(k2)+m) = op1+W(Mk*(m-1)+1)*op2;
x1((l-1)*(k2)+m+k21) = op1-W(Mk*(m-1)+1)*op2;
FFT with down-sampling in time domain for C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define N 128
#define PI 3.14159265358979
struct COMPLEX
{float real,imag;};
void qfft(struct COMPLEX *X, int n); //FFT function
int q_log2(int n);
int qflip(int i, int M); //self developed function like fliplr() in Matlab for bits.
struct COMPLEX w[N/2]; //twiddle factors
struct COMPLEX samples[N]; //input signal
float x1[N]; //output signal
int i;
float s;
for (i = 0 ; i<N/2 ; i++) // set up twiddle constants in w
w[i].real = cos(2*PI*i/N); //Re component of twiddle constants
w[i].imag =-sin(2*PI*i/N); //Im component of twiddle constants
/*Generating test signal******************/
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
samples[i].real = -1+(s*(2/128));
samples[i].imag = 0;
//fft calculation
//magnitude calculation
x1[i] = sqrt(samples[i].real*samples[i].real
+ samples[i].imag*samples[i].imag);
printf("El resultado es:\n");
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
void qfft(struct COMPLEX *X, int n)
int k,l,m,k2,k21,Mk,index;
struct COMPLEX op1,op2;
struct COMPLEX X1;
//nuber of stages
int M=q_log2(n);
//to array elements of the input signal
for (k=0; k<N/2; k++)
//entering to graph
//k holds the stage
for (k=1; k<=M; k++)
//l holds the butterfly
for (l=1; l <= (n/k2); l++)
//m holds the upper element of the butterfly
for (m=1; m<=k21; m++)
//Butterfly equations
//Complex product
X[(l-1)*k2+m-1].real = op1.real + w[Mk*(m-1)].real*op2.real
- w[Mk*(m-1)].imag*op2.imag ;
X[(l-1)*k2+m-1].imag = op1.imag + w[Mk*(m-1)].real*op2.imag
+ w[Mk*(m-1)].imag*op2.real ;
//su elemento complemento:
X[(l-1)*k2+m+k21-1].real = op1.real - w[Mk*(m-1)].real*op2.real
+ w[Mk*(m-1)].imag*op2.imag ;
X[(l-1)*k2+m+k21-1].imag = op1.imag - w[Mk*(m-1)].real*op2.imag
- w[Mk*(m-1)].imag*op2.real ;
}//end m
}//end l
}//end k
}//end function
int q_log2(int n)
int res=0;
return res;
/***Implementation of the qflip function*****/
Discrete Cosine Transform 2D Serial Processing
function [S] = dct_2d(P) %where P is the matrix to apply the dct
Cu=[1/sqrt(2),ones(1,N-1)]; %Constant coeficients d1
Cv=[1/sqrt(2),ones(1,N-1)]; %Constant coeficients d2
for v=0: N-1;
for y=0: N-1;
for u=0: N-1;
for x=0: N-1; %serial processing
S=(2/N)*S; %final result
T1 F281x Mcbsp Transmitter Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
Parameter Condition Register Value
Delay between data frames: 1 bit XCR2.XDATDLY 0b01
Word Length: 16 bits XCR1.XDLEN1 0b010
Words per frame: 1 word XCR1.XFRLEN1 0
sample rate: 150 kHz SRGR1.CLKGDV 0xC7
void InitMcbsp(void)
/*** Mcbsp Reset */
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.XRST= 0;
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.GRST= 0;
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.FRST= 0;
/*** SPCR2 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.all = 0x0000;
// bit 15-10 0's: Reserved
// bit 9 0: FREE Free running mode
// bit 8 0: SOFT Soft bit
// bit 7 0: FRST Frame sync generator reset
// bit 6 0: GRST Sample rate generator reset
// bit 5-4 00: XINTM Transmit interrupt mode
// bit 3 0: XSYNCERR Transmit synchronization error
// bit 2 0: XEMPTY Transmit shift register (XSR) empty
// bit 1 0: XRDY Transmitter ready
// bit 0 0: XRST Transmitter reset
/*** SPCR1 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.SPCR1.all = 0x0000;
// bit 15 0: DLB Digital Loop back mode
// bit 14-13 0: RJUST Receive sign extension and justification mode
// bit 12-11 00: CLKSTP Clock Stop Mode
// bit 10-8 0's: Reserved
// bit 7 0: DXENA DX enabler.
// bit 6 0: ABIS ABIS mode
// bit 5-4 00: RINTM Receive Interrupt Mode
// bit 3 0 RSYNCERR Receive Synchronization error
// bit 2 0 RFULL Receive shift register full
// bit 1 0 RRDY Receiver ready
// bit 0 0 RRST Receiver reset
/*** XCR2 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.XCR2.all = 0x0001;
// bit 15 0: XPHASE Transmit phase
// bit 14-8 0's; XRFRLEN2 Transmit frame length 2
// bit 7-5 000: XWDLEN2 Transmit word length 2
// bit 4-3 00: XCOMPAND Transmit companding mode
// bit 2 0: XFIG Transmite frame ignore
// bit 1-0 01: XDATDLY Data Delay (Delay in bits between two frames)
/*** XCR1 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.XCR1.all = 0x0040;
// bit 15 0 Reserved
// bit 14-8 0's: XFRLEN1 Frame Length 1 (Words per frame)
// bit 7-5 010: XWDLEN1 Word Length 1 (bits per word)
// bit 4 0: Reserved
// bit 3-0 0's: Reserved
/*** SRGR2 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.SRGR2.all = 0x2011;
// bit 15 0; GSYNC Sample rate generator clock synchronization
// bit 14 0: Reserved
// bit 13 1: CLKSM Mcbsp sample rate generator clock mode: internal clock
// bit 12 0: FSGM Transmit frame synchronization mode
// bit 11-0 x011: FPER Frame Period (number of CLKG cycles between sync signals): 18 cycles
/*** SRGR1 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.SRGR1.all = 0x00E8;
// bit 15-8 x00: FWID Frame Width
// bit 7-0 xC7 CLKGDV Sample rate generator clock divider
/*** MCR2 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.MCR2.all = 0x0200;
// bit 15-10 0's: Reserved
// bit 9 1: XMCME Enhanced transmit multichannel selection enable
// bit 8-7 00: XPBBLK Receive/transmit partition B block
// bit 6-5 00: XPABLK Receive/transmit partition A block
// bit 4-2 000: XCBLK Receive/transmit current block
// bit 1-0 00: XMCM Transmit multichannel selection enable
/*** MCR1 Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.MCR1.all = 0x0201;
// bit 15-10 0's: Reserved
// bit 9 1 RMCME Enhanced receive multichannel selection enable
// bit 8-7 00 RPBBLK Receive/transmit partition B block
// bit 6-5 00 RPABLK Receive/transmit partition A block
// bit 4-2 000 RCBLK Receive transmit current block
// bit 1 0 Reserved
// bit 0 1 RMCM Receive multichannel selection enable
/*** PCR Register Configuration */
McbspaRegs.PCR.all = 0x0A00;
// bit 15-12 0's: Reserved
// bit 11 1: FSXM Transmit frame synchronization mode
// bit 10 0: FSRM Receive frame synchronization mode
// bit 9 1: CLKXM Transmit frame synchronization mode (internal, FSR as output)
// bit 8 0: CLKRM Receiver clock mode
// bit 7 0: SCLKME Sample clock mode selection bit
// bit 6 0: CLKS_STAT Reserved
// bit 5 0: DX_STAT DX pin status
// bit 4 0: DR_STAT DR pin status
// bit 3 0: FSXP Transmit frame synchronization polarity
// bit 2 0: FSRP Receive frame synchronization polarity
// bit 1 0: CLKXP Tramsmit clock polarity
// bit 0 0: CLKRP Receive clock polarity
/*** Mcbsp Start-up */
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.XRST= 1;
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.GRST= 1;
McbspaRegs.SPCR2.bit.FRST= 1;
/*** Interruption Configuration */
McbspaRegs.MFFINT.bit.XINT= 1;
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER6.bit.INTx6= 1;
IER |= 0x0020;
/**End of function*/
TI F281x PWM Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
void InitPwm(void)
asm( "EALLOW"); //Enable write operations in protected registers
/*** Independent Compare Output Enable */
EvaRegs.EXTCONA.bit.INDCOE= 1;
* Write values in the two following registers until all the other
* registers have been written, as their value depends on the other
* registers. *
/*** Timer 1 Period Regiser */
EvaRegs.T1PR = 0xB71A; //use this value for a frequency of 200 Hz assuming
//sysclkout=150 MHz and its pre-scaler=16
/*** CMPR1 Register Configuration */
EvaRegs.CMPR1= 0x493D; //to get 60% of duty cycle this value equals the 1-0.6= 40% period
EvaRegs.GPTCONA.all= 0x0050;
// bit 15 0 Reserved
// bit 14 0 T2STAT GP timer 2 Status.
// bit 13 0 T1STAT GP timer 1 Status.
// bit 12 0 T2CTRIPE T2CTRIP Enable.
// bit 11 0 T1CTRIPE T1CTRIP Enable.
// bit 10-9 00 T2TOADC Start ADC with timer 2 event
// bit 8-7 00 T1TOADC Start ADC with timer 1 event
// bit 6 1 TCMPOE Timer compare output enable.
// bit 5 0 T2CMPOE Timer 2 compare output enable.
// bit 4 1 T1CMPOE Timer 1 Compare Output Enable.
// bit 3-2 00 T2PIN Polarity of GP timer 2 compare output
// bit 1-0 00 T1PIN Polarity of GP timer 1 compare output
/*** COMCONA Register Configuration*/
EvaRegs.COMCONA.all = 0x8020;
// bit 15 1: CENABLE: Compare Enable
// bit 14-13 00: CLD1, CLD0: CMPRx Reload Condition
// bit 12 0: SVENABLE: PWM Vector Enable
// bit 11-10 00: ACTRLD1,ACTRLD0: Action Control Regiser Reload Condition
// bit 9 0: FCMPOE: Full Compare Output Enable
// bit 8 0: PDPINTA: PDPINTA Status
// bit 7 0: FCMP3OE: Compare 3 Output Enable
// bit 6 0: FCMP2OE: Compare 2 Output Enable
// bit 5 1: FCMP1OE: Compare 1 Output Enable
// bit 4-3 00: Reserved
// bit 2 0: C3TRIPE: C3TRIP Enable
// bit 1 0: C2TRIPE: C2TRIP Enable
// bit 0 0: C1TRIPE: C1TRIP Enable
/** ACTRA Register Configuration*/
EvaRegs.ACTRA.all = 0x0002;
// bit 15 0: SVRDIR: PWM Vector rotate direction
// bit 14-12 000: D2-D: PWM Vector basic bits
// bit 11-10 00: CMP6ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 6, CMP6.
// bit 9-8 00: CMP5ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 5, CMP5.
// bit 7-6 00: CMP4ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 4, CMP4.
// bit 5-4 00: CMP3ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 3, CMP3
// bit 3-2 00: CMP2ACT1-0 Compare Action in pin 2, CMP2
// bit 1-0 10 CMP1ACT1-0 Compare Action in el pin 1, CMP1
/*** T1CON Register Configuration*/
EvaRegs.T1CON.all = 0x9442;
// bit 15:14 10: Emulation Control bits
// bit 13 0: Reserved
// bit 12-11 10: TMODE1-TMODE0 Counter Mode Selection
// bit 10-8 100: TPS2-TPS0 Pre-scaler: 100= HSPCLK/16
// bit 7 0: T2SWT1 Timer 2 trigger by timer 1
// bit 6 1: TENABLE Timer Enable
// bit 5-4 00: TCLKS(1,0) Clock Source Selection
// bit 3-2 00: TCLD(1,0) Timer Compare Register Reload Condition
// bit 1 1: TECMPR Compare Operations Enable
// bit 0 0: SELT1PR: Period Register Selection
asm( "EDIS"); //Protected Registers Write Disabled
/**End of function*/
Discrete Cosine Transform 1D Matrix Processing
function [Sdct] = matrix_dct(P) %where P is the vector to apply the dct
for f=0: N-1;
for x=0: N-1;
W(f+1, x+1)=cos((2*x+1)*pi*f/(2*N)); %matrix kernel
Sdct=sqrt(2/N)*Sdct.*Cf'; %constant product
Discrete Cosine Transform 2D Serial Processing
function [S] = dct_2d(P) %where P is the matrix to apply the dct
Cu=[1/sqrt(2),ones(1,N-1)]; %Constant coeficients d1
Cv=[1/sqrt(2),ones(1,N-1)]; %Constant coeficients d2
for v=0: N-1;
for y=0: N-1;
for u=0: N-1;
for x=0: N-1; %serial processing
S=(2/N)*S; %final result
TI F281x and F2833x ADC Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h" //if using F2812
//#include "DSP2833x_Device.h" //if using F28335
void InitAdc(void)
/*** ADC Reset*/
AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.bit.RESET = 1;
asm(" RPT #22 || NOP"); //Wait 2 clocks assuming ADCCLK=12.5 Mhz and SYSCLKOUT=150 Mhz
/*** ADC Power-On */
AdcRegs.ADCTRL3.all = 0x00ED;
// bit 15-9 0's: reserved
// bit 8 0: EXTREF
// bit 7-6 11: ADCBGRFDN, Reference voltage, 00=off, 11=on
// bit 5 1: ADCPWDN, Main Power Source, 0=off, 1=on
// bit 4-1 0110: ADCCLKPS, clock prescaler, FCLK=HSPCLK/(2*ADCCLKPS)
// bit 0 1: SMODE_SEL, 0=sequencial sampling, 1=simultaneous sampling
DelayUs(5000); //TI's asm function
//Wait 5 ms
/*** ADCMAXCONV Register configuration*/
AdcRegs.ADCMAXCONV.all = 0x0000;
// bit 15-7 0's: reserved
// bit 6-4 000: MAX_CONV2
// bit 3-0 0000: MAX_CONV1 (0 = 1 conversion)
/*** Select channels for sampling in SEQ1 */
AdcRegs.ADCCHSELSEQ1.bit.CONV00 = 0; //Channels A0 and B0
/*** ADCTRL1 Register configuration */
AdcRegs.ADCTRL1.all = 0x0700;
// bit 15 0: reserved
// bit 14 0: RESET
// bit 13-12 00: SUSMOD, 00=ignore emulation suspend
// bit 11-8 0111: ACQ_PS Acquisition window pre-scaler
// bit 7 0: CPS Core clock
// bit 6 0: CONT_RUN
// bit 5 0: SEQ_OVRD
// bit 4 0: SEQ_CASC
// bit 3-0 0000: reserved
/*** ADCTRL2 Register configuration */
AdcRegs.ADCTRL2.all = 0x0800;
// bit 15 0: EVB_SOC_SEQ: SOC trigger by EVB
// bit 14 0: RST_SEQ1: SEQ1 reset
// bit 13 0: SOC_SEQ1: trigger signal for SEQ1
// bit 12 0: reserved
// bit 11 1: INT_ENA_SEQ1: SEQ1 interruption enable
// bit 10 0: INT_MOD_SEQ1: interruption mode
// bit 9 0: reserved
// bit 8 0: EVA_SOC_SEQ1, 1=SEQ1 starts with EVA_SOC trigger
// bit 7 0: EXT_SOC_SEQ1, 1=SEQ1 starts with ADCSOC input signal
// bit 6 0: RST_SEQ2
// bit 5 0: SOC_SEQ2
// bit 4 0: reserved
// bit 3 0: INT_ENA_SEQ2: SEQ1 interruption enabled
// bit 2 0: INT_MOD_SEQ2: interruption mode
// bit 1 0: reserved
// bit 0 0: EVB_SOC_SEQ2
/*** ADC interruption enable */
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx6= 1;
IER |= 0x0001;
CRC calculation
unsigned char crc(unsigned char data[],int L)
unsigned char P=0x83;
unsigned char *data_ptr;
unsigned char crc_result;
int bit;
if (crc_result>=128)
//multiply by 2^n-k;
if (crc_result>=128)
return crc_result;
TI F281x SCI Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
* Function: InitSci()
* Description: This function initializes F281x SCI. In this case the desired rate
* is 9600 bps, 8 databits, 1 stop bit and no parity.
void InitSci(void)
/*** SCI reset */
ScibRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET= 0;
/*** Setting the baud rate to 9600 bps assuming LSPCLK=150 Mhz */
ScibRegs.SCIHBAUD = 0x07;
ScibRegs.SCILBAUD = 0xA0;
/*** Configuration for no stop bits, no parity and 8 data bits */
ScibRegs.SCICCR.all = 0x07;
// bit 7 0: STOP BITS
// bit 6 0: PARITY
// bit 5 0: PARITY ENABLE
// bit 4 0: LOOP BACK ENA
// bit 3 0: ADDR/IDLE MODE
// bit 2-0 111: SCI CHAR
/*** Transmitter and receiver enabled */
ScibRegs.SCICTL1.all = 0x03;
// bit 7 0: Reserved
// bit 6 0: RX ERR INT
// bit 5 0: SW RESET
// bit 4 0 Reserved
// bit 3 0: TXWAKE
// bit 2 0: SLEEP
// bit 1 1: TXENA, Habilitación del transmisor
// bit 0 1: RXENA, Habilitación del receptor
/*** Tx and Rx interruption enabled */
ScibRegs.SCICTL2.all = 0x0003;
// bit 7 0: TXRDY
// bit 6 0: TX EMPTY
// bit 5-2 0's: Reserved
// bit 1 1: RX/BK INT
// bit 0 1: TX INT
/***Emulation mode configuration */
ScibRegs.SCIPRI.all = 0x0010;
// bit 7-5 0's: Reserved
// bit 4-3 10: Emulation Mode
// bit 2-0 0's: Reserved
/*** SCI Reset */
ScibRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET= 1;
/*** SCI interruptions enabled in PIE */
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.bit.INTx4= 1;
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER9.bit.INTx3= 1;
IER |= 0x0100;
/**End of file*/
TI C281x Timer Configuration
#include "DSP281x_Device.h"
* Function: InitTimer()
* Description: Initialize the CPU Timer 0 at a rate of 2 Hz
void InitTimer(void)
//CpuTimer0Regs.TIM.all = 0x0; //Timer0 Counter Register
CpuTimer0Regs.PRD.all = 0x047868C0; //Period Register
CpuTimer0Regs.TCR.all = 0x4830; //Control Register
bit 15 0: CPU-Timer Interupt Flag
bit 14 1: Timer Interrupt Enable
bit 13-12 0's: Reserved
bit 11-10 10: CPU-Timer Emulation Modes
bit 9-6 0's: Reserved
bit 5 0: CPU-Timer Reload bit
bit 4 0: CPU-Timer Status Bit
bit 3-0 0's: Reserved
CpuTimer0Regs.TPR.all = 0x0000; //Prescale Register
CpuTimer0Regs.TPRH.all = 0x0000; //Prescale Register High
PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.bit.INTx7 = 1; //Interruption enabled
IER |= 0x0001; //PIE group enabled
StartCpuTimer0();//Reset of the Timer
FFT with down-sampling in time domain for C++
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#define N 128
#define PI 3.14159265358979
struct COMPLEX
{float real,imag;};
void qfft(struct COMPLEX *X, int n); //FFT function
int q_log2(int n);
int qflip(int i, int M); //self developed function like fliplr() in Matlab for bits.
struct COMPLEX w[N/2]; //twiddle factors
struct COMPLEX samples[N]; //input signal
float x1[N]; //output signal
int i;
float s;
for (i = 0 ; i<N/2 ; i++) // set up twiddle constants in w
w[i].real = cos(2*PI*i/N); //Re component of twiddle constants
w[i].imag =-sin(2*PI*i/N); //Im component of twiddle constants
/*Generating test signal******************/
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
samples[i].real = -1+(s*(2/128));
samples[i].imag = 0;
//fft calculation
//magnitude calculation
x1[i] = sqrt(samples[i].real*samples[i].real
+ samples[i].imag*samples[i].imag);
printf("El resultado es:\n");
for (i=0; i<N; i++)
void qfft(struct COMPLEX *X, int n)
int k,l,m,k2,k21,Mk,index;
struct COMPLEX op1,op2;
struct COMPLEX X1;
//nuber of stages
int M=q_log2(n);
//to array elements of the input signal
for (k=0; k<N/2; k++)
//entering to graph
//k holds the stage
for (k=1; k<=M; k++)
//l holds the butterfly
for (l=1; l <= (n/k2); l++)
//m holds the upper element of the butterfly
for (m=1; m<=k21; m++)
//Butterfly equations
//Complex product
X[(l-1)*k2+m-1].real = op1.real + w[Mk*(m-1)].real*op2.real
- w[Mk*(m-1)].imag*op2.imag ;
X[(l-1)*k2+m-1].imag = op1.imag + w[Mk*(m-1)].real*op2.imag
+ w[Mk*(m-1)].imag*op2.real ;
//su elemento complemento:
X[(l-1)*k2+m+k21-1].real = op1.real - w[Mk*(m-1)].real*op2.real
+ w[Mk*(m-1)].imag*op2.imag ;
X[(l-1)*k2+m+k21-1].imag = op1.imag - w[Mk*(m-1)].real*op2.imag
- w[Mk*(m-1)].imag*op2.real ;
}//end m
}//end l
}//end k
}//end function
int q_log2(int n)
int res=0;
return res;
/***Implementation of the qflip function*****/
FFT with down-sampling in time domain
clc, clear all, close all
%number of stages
%to array elements in a proper way for the butterfly
for k=0:N-1;
%to set up twiddle factors
for k=0:N/2-1;
%entering to graph
%k holds the stage
for k=1:M;
%l holds the butterfly
for l=1:N/k2;
%m holds the upper element of the butterfly
for m=1:k21;
op1 = x1((l-1)*(k2)+m);
op2 = x1((l-1)*(k2)+m+k21);
%butterfly equation
x1((l-1)*(k2)+m) = op1+W(Mk*(m-1)+1)*op2;
x1((l-1)*(k2)+m+k21) = op1-W(Mk*(m-1)+1)*op2;