Generalized Scattering Coefficients
Generalizing the scattering coefficients at a multi-tube intersection
(§C.12) by replacing the usual real tube wave impedance
by the complex generalized wave impedance
from Eq.
C.152), or, as a special case, the conical-section
wave impedance
from Eq.
we obtain the junction-
pressure phasor [
is the complex, frequency-dependent, incoming,
admittance of the
th branch at the junction,
the corresponding outgoing acoustic admittance,
is the
incoming traveling
pressure-wave phasor in branch
is the outgoing wave, and
is the admittance of a load at
the junction, such as a coupling to another simulation. For
generality, the formula is given as it appears in the multivariable
Next Section: Cylinder with Conical CapPrevious Section: Generalized Wave Impedance