Poisson Summation Formula
Consider the summation of N complex sinusoids having frequencies uniformly spaced around the unit circle [264]:
where .
Setting (the FFT hop size) gives
(9.26) |
where (harmonics of the frame rate).
Let us now consider these equivalent signals as inputs to an LTI system, with an impulse response given by , and frequency response equal to .
Looking across the top of Fig.8.16, for the case of input signal we have
(9.27) |
Looking across the bottom of the figure, for the case of input signal
(9.28) |
we have the output signal
(9.29) |
This second form follows from the fact that complex sinusoids are eigenfunctions of linear systems--a basic result from linear systems theory [264,263].
Since the inputs were equal, the corresponding outputs must be equal too. This derives the Poisson Summation Formula (PSF):
Note that the PSF is the Fourier dual of the sampling theorem [270], [264, Appendix G].
The continuous-time PSF is derived in §B.15.
Next Section:
Frequency-Domain COLA Constraints
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Summary of Overlap-Add FFT Processing