Mark Sitkowski (@MarkSitkowski)
That's only half of the IFFT. The other half contained redundant information, so I cut it.The algorithm is the standard Cooley-Tukey, with no zero-filling. Interpolating...
I split your raw data into 10 separate files, then performed an IFFT on each, and got the expected results. Here are (a) Composite frequency domain plot of all 10...
Thanks! I'll play with it over the weekend. Do I assume you have (magnitude,phase in radians) with a linear frequency axis, with 10 channels concatenated in a single...
Any chance of accessing your raw data? I'd be interested in running it through my IFFT algorithm to see what happens.
Your phase response is due to misinterpretation of (angle), (angle+360), (angle-360) etc.As for the amplitude, you should just throw away the second half of the...
If you can get the time domain samples into an ASCII file (or whatever) and load that into an analysis tool, all the information you need is in the FFT. Here's a...
This doesn't answer your question, but it might shorten the design time for a real system:
Are the phase differences regular? Is it possible that it's just a case of misinterpretation of what happens when the phase vector rotates past a multiple of 360...
You might try these guys: pins could be a 32 bit data bus with 5 address bits, plus R/W line, VCC and GND. If...
All with thermionic valves. I suspect there were a few well-designed filters in there somewhere.It also had a push-button automatic transmission, but we'll ignore...
The 1957 Plymouth Belvedere had a self-seeking radio, with buttons labelled 'Speech' and 'Music' It would accurately find radio stations with either type of program...
If you need to see the effect of zero-filling, here's an FFT of a 512 point 1MHz sine wave:Here's the same thing, zero-filled to 8192 points:As you can see, all...
Not sure if this is what you want, but this is an impulse response magnitude (green) and phase (red). I've annotated a few values of phase, just for reference. Below...
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