Simon (@simonzz)
Digital Signal Processing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays by Uwe Meyer-Baesehas a section (4.4.2 in 3rd Ed.) dedicated to Clustering method and Look-Ahead Pipelinening....
Hello guys, Thak you all for your participation. My goal was to find, if possible, a book with the same U. Meyer Baese's approach.After a deeper search which...
Hi all,I am trying to gain more practical experience in DSP for digital communications and SDR with FPGAs and programmable devices (I am not new to embedded systems...
You can also use FidocadJ: http://darwinne.github.io/FidoCadJ/index.htmlIt can export to PNG, JPG, PDF, PGF or EPS (for LaTeX).I use it for many block-based schematics,...
Hello @neirobert,
You are right. The butter function already uses the bilinear transformation.https://es.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/butter.htmlI completely missed...
Hello,I am trying to simulate an IIR Butterworth filter using low-pass to band-stop and then using bilinear transformation and I am a little bit confused about the...
Hello @jbrower,I have tried OpenCV but I am looking to something faster than that (if possible).If I don't end up with an alternative solution, it's probable that...
Hi, I am working on a image processing software, and it needs to compute filtering very frequently, typical frame size is greater than 1 M pixel.I know that there...
Hello,I am studiyng #OFDM modulation and I think it's not quiet clear to me how to correctly set up the \(T_\text{ofdm} \) value when we have suppressed carriers,...
You have 8 possible complex values, the in-phase signal corresponds to the real part and quadrature signal to the imaginary part.The decoding symbol decision will...
Hello @stephaneb, Thank you for this guide.I want to suggest a preview button when posting, of course it should be helpful.Regards,Simon
Hello,I am studying the following differential encoder:where the quantizer is defined as \( Q(y) = \text{sgn}(y) \)and I would like to be sure I understand it correctly,...
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