
hay, can any of you IEEE guys get me a copy of this paper?

Started by robert bristow-johnson February 15, 2015
On February 25th, 2015, Rickman sent:
|"I was a member for awhile and became active in the local chapters... until I|
|learned that they ignore their own rules and run it like a good ol' boys (and|
|girls) club."                                                                |

Dear Rickman:

Hypocrisy is common in the old boys' networks of people who boast that
they are supposedly engineers or scientists. E.g.

|"When I looked into the process for making complaints about ethics           |
|violations"                                                                  |

The I.E.E.E. used to host email lists about ethics. These IEEE email
lists do not continue to exist.

|"I found that the onus is entirely on the complainant to prove their         |
|case including appearing in Piscataway, NJ at their request.  They have no   |
|interest in investigating any reports that aren't 100% proven."              |

The I.E.E.E. does not always want to take any action even when reports
are completely proven.

|"I guess you can't expect much else from a volunteer organization."          |

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers profits despite
performing bad 'works', yet people dare to claim that it is a
not-for-profit corporation.

Yours sincerely,
Colin Paul Gloster