Ladder Waveguide Filters
An important class of DWFs can be constructed as a linear cascade
chain of digital waveguide sections, as shown in Fig.C.24 (a
slightly abstracted version of Fig.C.19). Each block labeled
stands for a state-less Kelly-Lochbaum scattering junction
(§C.8.4) interfacing between wave impedances
. We call this a ladder waveguide filter structure.
It is an exact bandlimited discrete-time model of a sequence of wave
, as used in the Kelly-Lochbaum piecewise-cylindrical
acoustic-tube model for the vocal tract in the context of voice
synthesis (Fig.6.2). The delays between scattering
junctions along both the top and bottom signal paths make it possible
to compute all of the scattering junctions in parallel--a property
that is becoming increasingly valuable in signal-processing
To transform the DWF of Fig.C.24 to a conventional ladder digital filter structure, as used in speech modeling [297,363], we need to (1) terminate on the right with a pure reflection and (2) eliminate the delays along the top signal path. We will do this in stages so as to point out a valuable intermediate case.
Next Section:
Reflectively Terminated Waveguide Filters
Previous Section:
Junction Passivity