Matlab for Computing Minimum Zero-Padding Factors
The minimum zero-padding factors in the previous two subsections were computed using the matlab function zpfmin listed in §F.2.4. For example, both tables above are included in the output of the following matlab program:
windows={'rect','hann','hamming','blackman'}; freqs=[1000,500,250,125,62.5]; for i=1:length(windows) w = sprintf("%s",windows(i)) for j=1:length(freqs) f = freqs(j); zpfmin(w,1/f,0.01*f) % 1 percent spec (large for audio) zpfmin(w,1/f,0.001*f) % 0.1 percent spec (good > 1 kHz) zpfmin(w,1/f,1) % 1 Hz spec (good below 1 kHz) end end
In addition to ``perceptually exact'' detection of spectral peaks, there are times when we need to find spectral parameters as accurately as possible, irrespective of perception. For example, one can estimate the stiffness of a piano string by measuring the stretched overtone-frequencies in the spectrum of that string's vibration. Additionally, we may have measurement noise, in which case we want our measurements to be minimally influenced by this noise. The following sections discuss optimal estimation of spectral-peak parameters due to sinusoids in the presence of noise.
Next Section:
Sinusoidal Amplitude Estimation
Previous Section:
Minimum Zero-Padding for Low-Frequency Peaks