
How to change a voice's pitch in real time?

Started by Piotr Mancini in comp.dsp5 years ago 8 replies

I just learned how to convert an audioclip from a 33.3 rpm vinyl record to 78 rpm,...

I just learned how to convert an audioclip from a 33.3 rpm vinyl record to 78 rpm, here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/audition/converting-33-recording-to-78-how/td-p/9448709?page=1 What I need is similar but probably harder. I am developing a web application based on a segment from a 2013 TV program. Only the first seconds are relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MF04X2aLBw T...

deriving freq-to-midi from harmonic series?

Started by MatthewA in comp.dsp5 years ago 7 replies

Forgive the ramble but I don't have to problem pinned down completely: I'm curious about the mathematical relationship between the harmonic...

Forgive the ramble but I don't have to problem pinned down completely: I'm curious about the mathematical relationship between the harmonic series= and equal temperament. I'd like to write a program that quantizes glissa= ndos into the harmonic series similar to birdsong but, of course, by defini= tion, you can't transition between equal tempered intervals with the harmon= ic series. =20...

Simulation of Aliasing

Started by rich...@gmail.com in comp.dsp5 years ago 4 replies

I ran across a problem in a DSP book that got me to thinking (the best kind= of problem). The author suggests that we can illustrate aliasing...

I ran across a problem in a DSP book that got me to thinking (the best kind= of problem). The author suggests that we can illustrate aliasing by sampl= ing an audio signal at a high frequency and then replacing samples with zer= oes to get a lower effective sampling frequency. For example, if we sample= at fs1 =3D 32 kHz and then keep every M =3D 4th sample (replacing the othe= r samples ...

What's the deal with all the Italian posts?

Started by Richard (Rick) Lyons in comp.dsp5 years ago 2 replies

Hi. I don't know about you guys but I think none of the below Italian posts= are related to DSP. What do you think? I copied a few sentences...

Hi. I don't know about you guys but I think none of the below Italian posts= are related to DSP. What do you think? I copied a few sentences from one o= f the posts and pasted it into a "translate" web page. The translation into= English was: "MASONAL-CRIMINAL LAW FIRM, ALWAYS ONE WITH MEGA ASSASSINS OF MAFIA, CAMORR= A, NDRANGHETA AND AS PER ITS SPECIALITY PUGLIA, EVEN MORE THAN SACRED U...

Matlab finally fix AMD CPU performance

Started by Anonymous in comp.dsp5 years ago

https://www.tomshardware.com/news/matlab-update-amd-cpu-performance-fix I guess it was forced on them by AMD CPUs taking over the market. Or...

https://www.tomshardware.com/news/matlab-update-amd-cpu-performance-fix I guess it was forced on them by AMD CPUs taking over the market. Or AMD users turning to Octave/Julia/Scilab

COVID and statistics

Started by Steve Pope in comp.dsp5 years ago 1 reply

I hope everyone is well. This one is long and possibly boring. Since now we are apparently all epidimologists I thought I'd give it a try...

I hope everyone is well. This one is long and possibly boring. Since now we are apparently all epidimologists I thought I'd give it a try along with everyone else. And I have three technical questions in the below. USA total, and USA by state statistics are available at the COVID Tracking Project among other places. I've seen a lot of actors draw conclusions from such data using pure...

seeking scipy examples of swept-coefficient (time varying) filters

Started by Robert Poor in comp.dsp5 years ago 5 replies

I've been pleased with ease of use of the scipy.signal package for implementing bandpass filters: the `signal.butterworth()`,...

I've been pleased with ease of use of the scipy.signal package for implementing bandpass filters: the `signal.butterworth()`, `signal.sosfilt_zi()` and `signal.sosfilt()` functions do just what I expect for a filter with constant center frequency and bandwidth. But now I'd like to make the frequency and bandwidth settings be time varying functions themselves, and I'm not sure how to

looking for early TI DSP evaluation kits

Started by Al Kossow in comp.dsp5 years ago

I'd like to find examples of early TI DSP evaluation kits like the TMDS3200026 for the Computer History Museum collection. Anyone have any...

I'd like to find examples of early TI DSP evaluation kits like the TMDS3200026 for the Computer History Museum collection. Anyone have any kicking around?

Dolph-Chebyshev Window (octave+maxima)

Started by Johann Klammer in comp.dsp5 years ago 10 replies

I have followed rick lyons article on this ,and using the example values he gives, the output matches. But using different parameters the...

I have followed rick lyons article on this ,and using the example values he gives, the output matches. But using different parameters the filter kenel ends up strangely wiggly. I must be doing something wrong. Here is what i've tried: in maxima: > N:32; > gamma:48/20; > M:N+1; > alpha:cosh(acosh(10^gamma)/N); > A(m):=abs(alpha*cos(%pi

Why don't we just zero out FFT bins?

Started by bmh161 in comp.dsp5 years ago 32 replies

This is probably a stupid question but, well, I'm not all that smart... Instead of going through all the trouble of designing complicated...

This is probably a stupid question but, well, I'm not all that smart... Instead of going through all the trouble of designing complicated digital filters, why don't we just pick the frequencies that we want to supress and replace those bins in the FFT with zeros?

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