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MATLAB Impulse response of a Comb filter
Hi, I am an FPGA engineer , new to MATLAb and DSP , and immersed in DSP study. Today's exercise is plotting the unit impulse response for a Comb...
Hi, I am an FPGA engineer , new to MATLAb and DSP , and immersed in DSP study. Today's exercise is plotting the unit impulse response for a Comb filter of the form: yc(n) = x(n) - x(n-4) I wrote the following code: n1 = 0; n0 = 10; % t = 0 n2 = 100; % n2 - n1 = Length of impulse response in vector [x,n] = impseq(n0,n1,n2); % Generates unit impulse sequences, x(n0) = 1, others 0 % Dif...
Get PSD from a dat file analytically
inHi everyone, I would like to get the power spectral density from a random data numbers. Can I get this analytically after processing with...
Hi everyone, I would like to get the power spectral density from a random data numbers. Can I get this analytically after processing with matlab. Thank you.
Matlab obtaining power spectrum from ACF and FFT
Greetings, I am using Matlab R2012b 64-bit on Windows 7 in order to estimate the power spectrum of a simple signal that is: cos(10*t) +...
Greetings, I am using Matlab R2012b 64-bit on Windows 7 in order to estimate the power spectrum of a simple signal that is: cos(10*t) + sin(20*t) defined in the time interval from 0.0 to 10.0 Here is what I did: 1) There was no predefined value of points so I took 1001 points by forming a time array and sampled the function at these points. 2) I calculated the autocorrelation function of the ...
Frequency Estimation
Hi Folks, I don't know if this is the proper place to ask about DSP for Radar using Matlab, but I will give it a chance since there is no...
Hi Folks, I don't know if this is the proper place to ask about DSP for Radar using Matlab, but I will give it a chance since there is no dedicated Radar Forum I am using Matlab to perform distance measurements given by a FMCW Radar. My case is an object moving away or toward the radar (up to 20 meters). I need to estimate the IF frequency to calculate my distance. Currently, I break down the ...
hilbert transform
Hello, I try to get the Hilbert transformed for a chaotic signal in order to have two signals completely orthogonal -> Chotic signal and Hilbert...
Hello, I try to get the Hilbert transformed for a chaotic signal in order to have two signals completely orthogonal -> Chotic signal and Hilbert Transform of chaotic signal in MATLAB all goes well, I have a good hilbert transformed with the proper phase and all, basically it is the signal which I expected . when I try to do it in simulink , I found on the net two methods to obtain hilbert t
Variable cut-off frequency LPF with high oversampling
Hello all, I'm using a Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA to do some low-pass filtering using System Generator/Simulink, and had a question about the...
Hello all, I'm using a Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGA to do some low-pass filtering using System Generator/Simulink, and had a question about the architecture of the filter. My requirements include having to use a fixed sampling rate of 80MSPS. This can't really change. I appreciate the difference b/w sample rate of the filter and the clock rate of the DSP primitives in the FPGA. The customer wants...
Spectrogram from Complex Morlet wavelet ( recreating article result from data)
I am trying to recreate the following results: from the following data: ...
I am trying to recreate the following results: from the following data: the time is in milliseconds (frequency is 40000 Hz) The article state that they used Complex Morlet wavelet to create the spectrogram: " Power estimates from the averaged LFPs were calculated from time?frequency spectrogr
Spectral Entropy of a signal and its physical significance
inHi, I would like to know about the spectral entropy of a signal and what does it mean in physical world. As I understand, the spectral entropy of...
Hi, I would like to know about the spectral entropy of a signal and what does it mean in physical world. As I understand, the spectral entropy of a particular frequency band gives the energy distribution of the signal. High value of entropy indicates the existence of a sharp peak in that frequency band. Is that right? Your response will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
inDeal all; I have used the Yule-Walker method (pyulear) to get a PSD (i.e. [Pxx,f] = pyulear(x,p,nfft,fs) ). p is the order of an AR model for the...
Deal all; I have used the Yule-Walker method (pyulear) to get a PSD (i.e. [Pxx,f] = pyulear(x,p,nfft,fs) ). p is the order of an AR model for the sign. How can I determine the optimal value of p?
freqz vs FFT question
Hi, I have always been confused about this two functions. Can someone please clarify why they behave this way? Let me give an example To me...
Hi, I have always been confused about this two functions. Can someone please clarify why they behave this way? Let me give an example To me it looks like that if we compute the impulse response of a filter, it should be the same thing as taking the FFT of that filter. But how come there is a difference? For example, let's say if I take the simple FFT of the following hamming window: L...
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