
OMAP-L138 - McASP powered down

Started by "Lau...@yahoo.com [c6x]" in TMS320c6x10 years ago 2 replies

Hello, I have a question related to OMAP L138,the mcsdk_1_01_00_02 sofware package from Texas Instruments, to bemore precise. I am using ZOOM...

Hello, I have a question related to OMAP L138,the mcsdk_1_01_00_02 sofware package from Texas Instruments, to bemore precise. I am using ZOOM OMAP-L138 eXperimenter Kit from LogicPD. I would like to build theMCASP_AudioExampleProject from the pdk_OMAPL138_1_01_00_02 package,that comes together with the mcsdk_1_01_00_02 sofware. In the mcasp_drv.c function is theMcASP configured. The problem i...

Please help me beginning with 6711 dsk, ccs.

Started by "nit...@yahoo.com [c6x]" in TMS320c6x11 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I need to implement phase vocoder in dsp 6711. Need to process audio signals, Please post any tutorial, to start using dsp, to write C...

Hi, I need to implement phase vocoder in dsp 6711. Need to process audio signals, Please post any tutorial, to start using dsp, to write C program. Thanks in advance.

DSK6713 Accessing a valid address

Started by miha...@yahoo.com in TMS320c6x11 years ago 5 replies

First of all hello. I'm new here. I am using the DSK 6713 and I have to access a valid address to get a value from there on which to do some...

First of all hello. I'm new here. I am using the DSK 6713 and I have to access a valid address to get a value from there on which to do some bit operations. My question is how should i choose this random address to get the value from. _____________________________________

Problem with AIC23 Codec of TMS320DM642 board

Started by liti...@yahoo.com in TMS320c6x11 years ago 2 replies

Hello every one. I'm a beginner. I'm using TMS320DM642 board with CCS 3. I want to use AIC23 Codec for some DSP algorithms. My problem is when I...

Hello every one. I'm a beginner. I'm using TMS320DM642 board with CCS 3. I want to use AIC23 Codec for some DSP algorithms. My problem is when I read each block of 100 PCM sapmles then wrote them to codec data port, I didn't hear anything from my headphone. If I read one sample and wrote it to codec data port immediately, it worked. If I read every 2 samples and wrote them to codec data port, i...

TMS320 C6713

Started by syst...@gmail.com in TMS320c6x11 years ago 1 reply

i m a beginner to this dsp kit world , i have written a simple program which starts reading audio samples from line in when key #1 is pressed and...

i m a beginner to this dsp kit world , i have written a simple program which starts reading audio samples from line in when key #1 is pressed and stores it into a buffer , where as on pressing key # 2 it start playing (writing) the stored samples; when i initialized the buffer as Uint32 buffer[300] ; it works well but when i go beyond 300 say 500 the program is hanged in reading the samples ... s...

TI JTAG signal integrity issue

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c6x11 years ago 8 replies

All- I'm posting this question here, the global knowledge source for TI JTAG related issues :-) I have a batch of C5510A modules that are...

All- I'm posting this question here, the global knowledge source for TI JTAG related issues :-) I have a batch of C5510A modules that are showing inconsistent JTAG scan test results. Out of 6, 3 are passing, two with buffered TCK and RTCK, and 1 without (without = bypass the buffer using zero-ohm Rs). The failing modules also are configured both ways. Due to this variation, I'm concerned...

Re: Re: ccs6711 with imaging daughter card

Started by mikedunn in TMS320c6x12 years ago

Armin, 1. Please send your requests to the c6x group, not to me directly. We want to give others a chance to learn. 2. I suggest that you...

Armin, 1. Please send your requests to the c6x group, not to me directly. We want to give others a chance to learn. 2. I suggest that you download [and use] the following documents from TI: TMS320C6000 Imaging Developer?s Kit (IDK) Video Device Driver User?s Guide - Literature Number: SPRU499 December 2000 TMS320C6000 Imaging Developer?s Kit (IDK) User?s Guide Literature Number

Re: ccs6711 with imaging daughter card

Started by Jeff Brower in TMS320c6x12 years ago 2 replies

Armin- Please post to the group. -Jeff > i am starter student > i want to drive dsk6711 with ccsv3.3? > i have drivers > i have an...

Armin- Please post to the group. -Jeff > i am starter student > i want to drive dsk6711 with ccsv3.3? > i have drivers > i have an imaging daughter card too > i want a project to run that daughter card and see the video that the camera had captured. > can you help me?please answer me > ? > "'"'"""'""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""'"""""" > > Sincerity > > -------

ccs version 4

Started by shiva in TMS320c6x12 years ago 1 reply

hi I used to work with code composer studio V3.1, but now i want to start using ccs v4. I found it different from v3.1 and i could not run the...

hi I used to work with code composer studio V3.1, but now i want to start using ccs v4. I found it different from v3.1 and i could not run the program on it. i just could build the program. would you please help me about how to run a program on ccs v4? thanks _____________________________________

Fw: Re: N/A

Started by Richard Williams in TMS320c6x12 years ago

---------- Forwarded Message ----------- From: "Richard Williams" To: shiva bagherzadeh Sent: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 03:30:30 -0700 Subject:...

---------- Forwarded Message ----------- From: "Richard Williams" To: shiva bagherzadeh Sent: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 03:30:30 -0700 Subject: Re: N/A Shiva, Two more things... Send to the yahoo group, not directly to me. Do not trim prior messages on this topic, as I handle MANY emails, and have my own source code to develop. With out the histor

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