Hello, Please, I need your help working on the ADDS-21160M-EZLITE old version by SpectrumSignal (unfortunately, this board is no longer supported by ADI). The problem is that sometimes I get a strange sound when interfacing it to my PC via the Parallel Port, and the LED D4, close to the power supply plug, reduces its intensity. What can be happening? BTW, I have EPP-capable Parallel Port. Additionally, the Parallel Port Utility not longer detects my kit, and I can not program its flash memory using the EZFLASH utility. I should add that long time ago, I didn't have any of these problems, and my kit worked flawlessly. If I use a JTAG Emulator I can program the DSP, but it is useless for standalone operation. Using the EPP Paralle Port, I have written some programs to control the board, which work OK, by writting the desired 8-bit command to LPTBaseAddress + 4 (EPP Data). But sometimes it doesn't work porperly and the strange sound starts. Please, I'm in a hurry for your help. Kindest regards, JaaC www.sanjaac.com |
ADSP-21160M EzKIT Lite
Started by ●January 17, 2003