

Started by Jeremy Gleeson April 6, 2003
I am using the EZkit lite with the 21060.

I am trying to receive audio data using sport1 and then send it to the DAC on
sport0. I am using external serial clock, rfs, etc.

I am editing the supplied tt.c file but am feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the
vast number of configuration bits, addressing, etc.

I have copied and pasted the setup_sports routine back into tt.c to provide two
instances of it. I have then gone through the copy exchanging all instances of
sport0 for sport1 and editing the register bits as required. Similarly, I have
copied and edited the sport0 interrupt service routines.

void spr0_asserted( int sig_num )
void spr0_asserted( int sig_num )

were copied and changed to;

void spr1_asserted( int sig_num )
void spr1_asserted( int sig_num )

I also enable these interrupts by coping and editing;

/* Enable sport0 xmit & rcv irqs (DMA enabled) */
interrupt(SIG_SPR0I, spr0_asserted);
interrupt(SIG_SPT0I, spt0_asserted);


/* Enable sport1 xmit & rcv irqs (DMA enabled) */
interrupt(SIG_SPR1I, spr1_asserted);
interrupt(SIG_SPT1I, spt1_asserted);

This causes the SHARC to crash. When I comment out the sport1 interrupt enables
above, it no longer crashes.

Does anyone have some sample code that deals with sport1 in C that they are
willing to send me, or can someone perhaps suggest a smarter approach to
developing an algorithm?

Thanks in advance,


On Sun, 6 Apr 2003, Jeremy Gleeson wrote:

> I am using the EZkit lite with the 21060.
> I am trying to receive audio data using sport1 and then send it to the
>DAC on sport0. I am using external serial clock, rfs, etc.

How is the hardware configured? Isn't sport0 a codec with both input and
output? Have you added your own serial ADC to sport1?

I think you moved the configuration info correctly, but what kind of
hardware is out there for it to connect to?

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike