
21065L and SDRAM

Started by Andor Bariska July 27, 2000
Hi group,

does anybody have experience using a two processor cluster of 21065L
Rev. 0.2 with shared SDRAM?

I have a feeling that because of its host of SDRAM bugs in the Anomaly
List, a shared SDRAM setup using Rev. 0.2 doesn't work.

Can anybody confirm or contradict?

Andor Bariska

WEISS ENGINEERING LTD. - Professional Digital Audio Products
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On Thu, 27 Jul 2000 11:24:49 +0200, Andor Bariska wrote:

> I have a feeling that because of its host of SDRAM bugs in the Anomaly
> List, a shared SDRAM setup using Rev. 0.2 doesn't work.

It's not a complete failure, but I wouldn't use 0.2 in an MP design. I
had some mysterious problems when I tried to run code from SDRAM with
0.2, that were very intermittent and impossible to characterize, so I
couldn't come up with a workaround. We finally banned 0.2 from our
product and the problems disappeared.

Do note that 0.3 still has a bug involving BMAX, so if you have latency
issues be sure to look at the errata sheet for potential workarounds.

Kenneth Porter
Kensington Laboratories, Inc.