[Please reply to the list, not directly to me.] ------------ Forwarded Message ------------ Date: Monday, January 05, 2004 1:13 PM +0000 From: linchongliang <> To: Kenneth Porter <> Subject: Re: BF532 memdma error and sdram access problem Thanks. Yes, I've read that code. It is very like my original code. lsetup(lcopys1, lcopye1) lc0 = p0; lcopys1: r0 = [i1++]; lsetup(lcopys2, lcopye2) lc1 = p1; lcopys2: lcopye2: [i0++] = r0 || r0 = [i1++]; [i0++] = r0; lcopye1: i1 += m1; Except that I use double IReg, but memcpy.s use a PReg and an IReg. And no other difference, I think. ---------- End Forwarded Message ---------- |
Re: BF532 memdma error and sdram access problem (fwd)
Started by ●January 5, 2004