

Started by Jaime Andres Aranguren Cardona November 19, 2004


I am doing IDMA reading and writting on an ADSP-2189N,
revision 3.2 When
writting, which I use for boot up from a host PC via a
everything goes fine, which I can verify by means of
the 218x-EzICE.

But when reading the contents of PM or DM I get
strange results, spuriously.
The data and code is all in overlay 0, I make sure to
do so with an Overlay
Latch cycle when writting (the emulator helps me to
make sure that it
worked). For reading I also set to overlay 0 before
writting the starting
address from where I want to start reading. But for
some accesses the
IDDMOVLAY and IDPMOVLAY fields in the IDMA Overlay
register change to 0xF or
something different than 0x0, so I get wrong results
with my readings.

I double-checked and no address or overlay latch
cycles are being generated,
which could cause this strange behavior. IAL is kept
low, and /RD is being
asserted by the micro as well as /IS, while /WR is
clean "1". I reviewed the
anomaly list for rev 3.2 and nothing was stated
concerning IDMA.

I say it again: the trouble arises only for accessing
some addresses, in a
certain order, but I haven't been able to discover a
pattern which I could
reproduce and expose here.

I am confident that many people here are experts with
these chips, like Leon
Heller and Al Clark, just to mention two of you. So I
hope I can have your
valuable advice on how to make my readings

Kindest regards,

Jaime Andr Aranguren Cardona

SanJaaC Electronics
Soluciones en DSP
