
Syntax coloring for comments in VDSP++ 4.5

Started by Jon Harris August 4, 2006
I recently upgraded from VisualDSP++ 4.0 to 4.5. In 4.0, under
Preferences->Editor->Coloring, you can specify custom comment delimiters. This
was very useful for me because I have a lot of legacy code that uses !
(exclamation point) as a one-line comment indicator. (This synatx is still
supported in the tools via the -flags-pp -cs! assembler switch.)
However, in 4.5, the custom comment definition options are gone. The
equivalent dialog box in 4.5 doesn't have any options for Comment Definitions.
Any ideas for a fix? Or reasons they would have eliminated this feature?

--- In a..., Jon Harris wrote:
> I recently upgraded from VisualDSP++ 4.0 to 4.5. In 4.0, under
> Preferences->Editor->Coloring, you can specify custom comment
> delimiters. This was very useful for me because I have a lot of
> legacy code that uses ! (exclamation point) as a one-line comment
> indicator.

Hi Jon,

can't you just replace the "!" with "//" ?
