
Clarification on coeff format

Started by suganya November 28, 2001
hello, I'm designing an fir filter in adsp 2181 ezkit
lite where i'm generating the coefficients according
to user specifications. when i try 2 use the coeff
generated by my program, the output is not proper. on
the hand, if i use coeff from any of the ready made
filter packages, it works fine.

The way in which i've generated my coeff is
correct. i seem 2 have a problem in giving the coeff
in the correct format. i've tried giving it in 1.15
format but the result is zilch. It would be of help
if someone can give an idea of the format in which the
coefficients for filters are given in adsp 2181.

hope 2 hear from u soon on this.


----- Original Message -----
From: "suganya" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 11:33 AM
Subject: [adsp] Clarification on coeff format > hello, > I'm designing an fir filter in adsp 2181 ezkit
> lite where i'm generating the coefficients according
> to user specifications. when i try 2 use the coeff
> generated by my program, the output is not proper. on
> the hand, if i use coeff from any of the ready made
> filter packages, it works fine.
> The way in which i've generated my coeff is
> correct. i seem 2 have a problem in giving the coeff
> in the correct format. i've tried giving it in 1.15
> format but the result is zilch. It would be of help
> if someone can give an idea of the format in which the
> coefficients for filters are given in adsp 2181.
> hope 2 hear from u soon on this.

Have you tried using the todat.com program by Dwight Elvey? It converts from
fp to 1.15 format. It's in the EZKFORUM files on the ADI web site, amongst
the EZKIT stuff.

Leon Heller, G1HSM
Low-cost Altera Flex design kit: http://www.leonheller.com


thanx for all ur inputs. i managed 2 solve it.it
was the problem of giving the coeff in 1.15 format
with leading 0x. remove it & hey presto, the problem
was solved.
