
Please get me out of this.....!!!

Started by Unknown October 27, 1999
I'm a researcher in Korea.
I'm stuck by a problem that i couldn't make it.
Somebody tell me how to make interface between TLC320AC01(14bits AIC)
and TMS320C30 to set up in assembly program. And H/W connection.
Please help me out.
Thanks for your attention.

I think u can dl the C3x DSP Kit manual in the TI's homepage
inside the manual there is description on how to interface
a c31 processor to AIC but it is TLC32040 but I think
it is helpful and the interface suppose to be the same.

> I'm a researcher in Korea.
> I'm stuck by a problem that i couldn't make it.
> Somebody tell me how to make interface between TLC320AC01(14bits AIC)
> and TMS320C30 to set up in assembly program. And H/W connection.
> Please help me out.
> Thanks for your attention.

Name : Kin Yung, Lam
Address : 33, Jalan Maju 1/9,
Taman Lembah Maju,
56100 Kuala Lumpur,
Telephone : (+60)-03-4915410

Can do not understand the question can you be more specific ?

At 19:40 26/10/99 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm a researcher in Korea.
>I'm stuck by a problem that i couldn't make it.
>Somebody tell me how to make interface between TLC320AC01(14bits AIC)
>and TMS320C30 to set up in assembly program. And H/W connection.
>Please help me out.
>Thanks for your attention. >
Foo Tuan Hoe Edwin (BEng,AMIEE)
Research Engineer
Systems and Control Group
Loughborough University
Department OF Electronics and ELectrical Engineering
Loughtborough, Leicestershire
LE11 3TU


webpage: http://www-staff.lboro.ac.uk/~elthef