

Started by mdl8736 July 10, 2002
Is the DSP/BIOS used in general, or do people write their own kernel
software/firmware? I know it depends on what the application is, but
it seems like the DSP/BIOS is nice for development, but in
production, it might make the kernel bigger than it should be and the
more one takes advantage of the functionality, the bigger it's memory
footprint gets.

Another question about DSP/BIOS is where does it reside during run-
time? TIs docs say that it is a firmware kernel, which I think means
that it is in some ROM/internal memory (reserved sections of memory
map?) during run-time?

has anybody had any experience with interfacing RF equipment to this
platform? If so, what were some of the pitfalls and areas that are
difficult to optimize/improve?

Mike Lee

--- In c54x@y..., "mdl8736" <dereklee75@h...> wrote:
> Is the DSP/BIOS used in general, or do people write their own
> software/firmware? I know it depends on what the application is,
> it seems like the DSP/BIOS is nice for development, but in
> production, it might make the kernel bigger than it should be and
> more one takes advantage of the functionality, the bigger it's
> footprint gets.

For those who does not have time (or experience) to develop a real-
time kernel, DSP/BIOS provides a good jump start. Most of the useful
debugging/analysis features in DSP/BIOS are mainly design for
development, and can be easily removed during production stage.
Although the final footprint could still be a bit large, really
depends on what you are looking for. A lot of projects in my company
use DSP/BIOS anyway, because it saves quite a bit of time when doing
real-time debugging.

> Another question about DSP/BIOS is where does it reside during run-
> time? TIs docs say that it is a firmware kernel, which I think
> that it is in some ROM/internal memory (reserved sections of memory
> map?) during run-time?

DSP/BIOS runs with the rest of your software in the DSP. It is up to
you to decide where the DSP/BIOS objects should resides in the
memory. If your memory footprint is tight on OnChip memory, it is OK
to run the DSP/BIOS in the external memory.

> has anybody had any experience with interfacing RF equipment to
> platform? If so, what were some of the pitfalls and areas that are
> difficult to optimize/improve?

I guess it really depends on the scale of your RF product.

> Mike Lee
