
Interrupts with C5402

Started by andrewpasquale July 22, 2002
hello there,
does anybody have any good complete code examples of how to use the
peripheral interrupts (ie int0) on the C5402 with CCS (any
imlementation). Im a newie to DSP applications (uni project) and i
really need some help, the ti documentation never gives complete
examples on how to setup the interrupts and i cant find any code
libraries on the web either (thats another question, do any code
libraries exist on the web for the C5000 dsp's?). Any help will be
greeeatly appreciated.
Cheers Andrew Pasquale

For example if you want to use int0, the following are necessary

1.set the interrupt vector to the page that your vectors.asm file exists.
i.e if your vectors.asm is at 0x2000 then the IPTR should be set to 0x40

2. Enable the corresponding bit in the IMR. For int0 IMR|=1;
(it's best to clear IFR before that by writing it's contents to its self

3.if you have an interrupt service routine written in C then, you should
branch to that routine
in your vectors file. i.e for INT0
.ref interrupt1

int0: b _interrupt1

and your c routine will look like this

void interrup interrupt1()
//service code

if your routine is written in assembly then you sould mannualy do the
context saving.

4. Clear the INTM. (global interrupt enable) ----- Original Message -----
From: "andrewpasquale" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 22, 2002 1:19 PM
Subject: [c54x] Interrupts with C5402 > hello there,
> does anybody have any good complete code examples of how to use the
> peripheral interrupts (ie int0) on the C5402 with CCS (any
> imlementation). Im a newie to DSP applications (uni project) and i
> really need some help, the ti documentation never gives complete
> examples on how to setup the interrupts and i cant find any code
> libraries on the web either (thats another question, do any code
> libraries exist on the web for the C5000 dsp's?). Any help will be
> greeeatly appreciated.
> Cheers Andrew Pasquale >
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