I had searched the former msgs, but can not find answer. so I post a help message again. follow is the test code where FFTSZ is a const integer 256, noscale defined as 0, scale defined as 1; and rfftws is an Uns array header, pointed to a 256 elements' Uns array, rfftws equals 0x1200(cording to myout.map), data are in Q15 format. //rfft cbrev( rfftws, rfftws, FFTSZ/2 ); rfft ( rfftws, FFTSZ, noscale ); //do actual processing. //rifft cbrev( rfftws, rfftws, FFTSZ/2 ); rifft( rfftws, FFTSZ, scale ); and here is the question, the result is quite different from the former datas... help.. |
Q: problem about dsplib real fft
Started by ●August 13, 2002